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English Soccer and What Others Cannot See
by Douglas Mercer WHEN, BACK IN 1968, Enoch Powell said that in the not-too-distant future the Blacks in England would have the whip hand, the most typical response (other than hysterical meltdowns) was that he was being “alarmist.” Turns out he may have understated the case. There won’t…

NFL Death Watch: Massive Financial Hit
An essay in pictures, illustrating a recent news article on the accelerating economic decline of Liberia Ball here in the United Snakes. AFTER A YEAR of enormous attendance drops and television ratings losses, the NFL salary cap is set to take a historic hit of nearly $16 million. The league that began…

Respectful and Thoughtful
AS USUAL, our Jewish enemy pushed for too much too soon and Whites are waking up. All the merchant had to do was just keep the degeneracy and chaos at a relatively low level for another few years and the changing demographics would allow Moloch’s chosen to peacefully seize power forever via the sham…

The Solid Rookie Year
THE LIBERIA BALL is over, replaced on the talmudvision by the White Olympics, soon to be the Oriental Olympics if Europe keeps sucking on the “immigration” shotgun. The Negro Felon League is now firmly on the “arrest and imprisonment” schedule where the various amazing…

NFL Death Watch: More Empty Stadiums
IT’S A SURPRISINGLY crowded field, but seeing the Liberia Ball wither and die might be the most satisfying story produced by The Current Year. Once an unstoppable Jewish juggernaut that used its massive popularity to push every sort of kosher degeneracy, today’s Negro Felon League can’t…

NFL Death Watch: Ratings in Decline
WATCHING THE Liberia Ball is such a wasteful and damaging activity it’s a true testament to the kosher debasement of our people that it was ever able to gain popularity. Watch Negro criminals collide with each other and then mill around, monitor statistics for that “fantasy” football…

Super Bowl 51 Competitors Both Owned by Billionaire Jews
by John I. Johnson I HAD THE TV on during the Super Bowl 51 pre-game show. I wasn’t in the room, but they had a segment pouring sugary syrup over the New England Patriots’ owner. I thought they said his name was “Kraft.” (It is.) He was interviewed. It wasn’t a profile, really.…

Debased Whites in Negro Ball Brawl
ONE OF THE MOST important steps on the long road back is rebuilding a healthy spirituality based around family, heritage and shared culture. It means a complete rejection of the vile and ugly Jewish degeneracy that pervades today’s U.S.S.A. There is nothing the Jew fears more than the awakened…

Africa Ball Ratings Down, Big Jew Confused
ANY WHITE MAN who spends a Sunday afternoon watching obese negroes in pink kneeling for our anthem while impotently hoping for “my” negroes to beat their negroes and inhaling kosher booze is a cuckold. Sit in the corner and watch the magical living fossil run, absorb the Jew spiritual…

The Home of the Slave
IN THE U.S.S.A. it’s almost time for debased, pitifully obese and generally broken White loser cuckolds to sit paralyzed in front of the talmudvision watching the Negro ball. They’ll have on their Chinese jersey with the name of a 70 I.Q. criminal on the back, they’ll be inhaling…