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David SimsEssays

by David Sims AMERICA HAS been, since the Great Depression of the 1930s, very adroit in avoiding food shortages. Several predictions of famine have come and gone, and a famine has never happened. That’s good. But, nevertheless, it is possible. One of the wisest of folk sayings is “Better…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims MY PATRIOT Supply Co. is possibly the least expensive source of prepackaged emergency food. But it is still about five times more expensive than what you can provide yourself with by smart shopping. You can, for example, buy white rice for 43 cents per pound. You can buy parbroiled rice for…
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As America is converted to a Third World country, the grid will become less and less reliable. IMAGINE if you will, what would happen if you pulled an American family from the 19th century, and plopped them in the middle of downtown Los Angeles during rush hour. They’re not given a warning, they’re not…
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MICHIGAN RESIDENTS lost their right to farm this week because of a new ruling by the Michigan Commission of Agriculture and Rural Development. Gail Philburn of the Michigan Sierra Club told Michigan Live, the new changes “effectively remove Right to Farm Act protection for many urban and suburban…
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by John Calhoun COOKING SHOWS have really hit their stride in the past few years. It seems like just about anyone possessing the ability to wield a spatula with any amount of grace and determination can have some time in front of the camera — such is the demand. There are programs that show the viewer, step-by-step,…
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David SimsEssays

Three easy-to-understand ways that capitalism literally sucks — sucks unearned money away from the rest of us, that is. by David Sims AMERICANS HAVE gotten used to third-rate grocery goods. They buy supermarket coffee and drink the beverage that they make from it, even though it tastes like…
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by Jim Stone HERE IS THE deal: (and you can’t deny this). War is so apparently on the horizon that if you have not prepared in any way whatsoever, YOU SHOULD DO IT NOW. I’d bet you think it will cost you thousands and there is a mountain of things you need to do. NOT SO! Super basic survival preparation…
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A MONSANTO RESEARCH site in France was enveloped recently in heavy flames due to a possible arson attack against the company. Two areas dedicated to maize research caught fire with the smell of petrol lingering in nearby hallways and throughout other areas of Monsanto’s building site. Jakob Witten,…
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by Peter Goodchild IN ORDER to be fully human, I occasionally need to put my hands on the green things that grow on the surface of this planet, because those leaves and I are one. My personal loss is proportional to my ability to destroy that unity. “All flesh is grass.” This is the essential…
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Russia has just announced a game-changing move in the fight against Monsanto’s GMOs, completely banning the use of genetically modified ingredients in any and all food production. IN OTHER WORDS, Russia just blazed way past the issue of GMO labeling and shut down the use of any and all GMOs that would…
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