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Film Reviews

Brutal Propaganda
2024 film The Brutalist: Alien sad-sack forgettable Jewish actor fronting for alien ugly forgettable Jewish architecture — truly the stuff of which great films are made. If there were no architectural connection to the word “Brutalist,” what an even more appropriate word it …

Review: American Insurrection
Warning: spoilers JEWISH billionaire Haim Saban’s Saban Films brings us this horrific imagining of a near-future dystopia in which feminists, Muslims, non-Whites, and homosexuals are “branded” with barcodes and rounded up, tortured, and lynched by the Volunteers, redneck followers of Richard…

Turning the PC Racket on Its Head: Michael Crichton’s Disclosure (1994)
by Andrew Hamilton THE RECENT WAVE of sexual harassment publicity now being tamped down and hidden, the way cop killings, color revolutions, pussy riots, and other socially engineered events have been, calls to mind the old Michael Crichton movie Disclosure. Crichton (Crichton can be either an English…