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The Quest of the Queen’s Tears
by Lord Dunsany SYLVIA, Queen of the Woods, in her woodland palace, held court, and made a mockery of her suitors. She would sing to them, she said, she would give them banquets, she would tell them tales of legendary days, her jugglers should caper before them, her armies salute them, her fools crack jests…

The Three Infernal Jokes
by Lord Dunsany THIS IS the story that the desolate man told to me on the lonely Highland road one autumn evening with winter coming on and the stags roaring. The saddening twilight, the mountain already black, the dreadful melancholy of the stags’ voices, his friendless mournful face, all seemed…

The Exiles Club
by Lord Dunsany IT WAS AN evening party; and something someone had said to me had started me talking about a subject that to me is full of fascination, the subject of old religions, forsaken gods. The truth (for all religions have some of it), the wisdom, the beauty, of the religions of countries to which…

The Three Sailors’ Gambit
by Lord Dunsany SITTING SOME years ago in the ancient tavern at Over, one afternoon in Spring, I was waiting, as was my custom, for something strange to happen. In this I was not always disappointed for the very curious leaded panes of that tavern, facing the sea, let a light into the low-ceilinged room…

A Narrow Escape
by Lord Dunsany IT WAS underground. In that dank cavern down below Belgrave Square the walls were dripping. But what was that to the magician? It was secrecy that he needed, not dryness. There he pondered upon the trend of events, shaped destinies and concocted magical brews. For the last few years the…

The Bird of the Difficult Eye
by Lord Dunsany OBSERVANT men and women that know their Bond Street well will appreciate my astonishment when in a jewellers’ shop I perceived that nobody was furtively watching me. Not only this but when I even picked up a little carved crystal to examine it no shop-assistants crowded round me.…

by Lord Dunsany THEY BUILT their gorgeous home, their city of glory, above the lair of the earthquake. They built it of marble and gold in the shining youth of the world. There they feasted and fought and called their city immortal, and danced and sang songs to the gods. None heeded the earthquake in all…

The Three Tall Sons
by Lord Dunsany AND AT LAST Man raised on high the final glory of his civilization, the towering edifice of the ultimate city. Softly beneath him in the deeps of the earth purred his machinery fulfilling all his needs, there was no more toil for man. There he sat at ease discussing the Sex Problem. And sometimes…

The Messengers
by Lord Dunsany ONE WANDERING nigh Parnassus chasing hares heard the high Muses. “Take us a message to the Golden Town.” Thus sang the Muses. But the man said: “They do not call to me. Not to such as me speak the Muses.” And the Muses called him by name. “Take us a message,”…

Nature and Time
by Lord Dunsany THROUGH THE streets of Coventry one winter’s night strode a triumphant spirit. Behind him stooping, unkempt, utterly ragged, wearing the clothes and look that outcasts have, whining, weeping, reproaching, an ill-used spirit tried to keep pace with him. Continually she plucked…