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Fascism, Women, and Democracy
The future Lady Mosley, then Diana Guinness (above, second right) with her sister Unity Mitford and the children of her first marriage to Bryan Guinness. Her eldest son Jonathan (above, far right) became chairman of the Conservative Monday Club, and today is his 93rd birthday. Many British publications…
100 Years Ago Today: How Mussolini’s March on Rome Saved Italy
by Peter Rushton THOSE ITALIANS AND FELLOW Europeans who dare to defy the liberal-left’s tyrannical rewriting of history are today celebrating the centenary of the March on Rome, when Benito Mussolini and his Fascisti saved Italy from Communism and chaos. In 2022 even a former fascist such as new…
‘Post-Fascist’ Party Wins Italian National Election
by Mark Cotterill LIBERAL AND LEFTIST COMMENTATORS around the world have been horrified this month by the victory of Fratelli d’Italia (‘Brothers of Italy’) in Italy’s parliamentary elections and the imminent elevation of Fratelli‘s leader Giorgia Meloni to become her country’s first female prime…
Insurrection, Resurrection
Tejero in the Cortes, 1981. THIS YEAR MARKED the 41st anniversary of a real attempted “insurrection against democracy” — or, more accurately, attempted resurrection of a nation: On 23 February 1981, Lt. Col. Antonio Tejero of Spain’s Guardia Civil made a last stand against the…
Multifaceted Fascism
by Organon tou Ontos FIRST OF all, let me suggest what I think it is that different varieties of fascism, and National Socialism, have in common. Let this also stand for my own personal view of ‘fascism’ in general: • Radical communitarianism: Placing the interests of the community over…
On Propaganda in America
by Francis Parker Yockey FAR MORE important to Europe than the propaganda about domestic affairs in America is that about foreign affairs. The numen “democracy” is used also in this realm as the essence of reality. A foreign development sought to be brought about is called “spreading…
Maurice Bardèche on What Is and Is Not “Fascism”
Introductory Note by Hadding Scott: The term fascism is problematic. Before the rise of Hitler, and even before the rise of Mussolini, there was a concept of national-socialism. National-Socialism was a general term. Anne Morrow Lindbergh (wife of the aviator) used national-socialism as a general…
Hurrah for the Blackshirts
“Hurrah for the Blackshirts” by Harold Harmsworth (Lord Rothermere) in the January 1934 Daily Mail HAROLD HARMSWORTH (1868-1940), together with his brother, developed the Daily Mail and Daily Mirror. In 1934, he contributed the article below to the Daily Mail. It provoked Jews affiliated…
The Other Europe
EUROPE isn’t doing so well these days. It may be difficult to remember now, in the aftermath of Angela Merkel and George Soros’ manufactured “Refugee” Crisis of 2015, but prior to the open borders mania that was thrust upon Europe that year, the Old World was suffering from a litany of other crises…
Unjustified Claims Regarding “Islamism” and “Fascism”
Equivocation on ‘fascism’ has been exploited by both “left” and “right”: On the left, what is called “corporate fascism” is taken to represent fascism in general, and on the right, every stripe of undesirables is fused with fascism: “feminazis,” “ecofascists,” and “Islamofascists,” to name a few.…