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Pasture Eyes
Farmer gives his cows virtual reality goggles so they think they are outside and produce more milk. Could this be somewhat similar to how Jews — at “Meta” and elsewhere — view their hosts? — as domesticated animals? A FARMER HAS fitted his cooped-up cows with virtual…

As Zimbabwe, So America: BLM Land-Stealing Plans
South Africa: These Blacks don’t mean death in the Patrick Henry sense. They mean your death — if you’re White. by David Sims NOW THAT BLACKS have destroyed large parts of most major US cities, it has occurred to certain members of Black Lives Matter that Whites own 98% of the rural…

Folk and Land
Excerpted from the essay “Folk and Land” by Wulf Grimwald NS-GERMANY was the only major modern effort to address the decline of the Western Civilization, and to attempt an answer to the question of how to maintain a progressive, technological State yet return the Folk to the “Springtime” of its youth.…

Michigan: Government Takes Away Right to Farm
MICHIGAN RESIDENTS lost their right to farm this week because of a new ruling by the Michigan Commission of Agriculture and Rural Development. Gail Philburn of the Michigan Sierra Club told Michigan Live, the new changes “effectively remove Right to Farm Act protection for many urban and suburban…

Parasites vs. Producers
by Dr. William L. Pierce
THIS SUMMER’S scorching weather wreaked havoc on farm crops in America’s Midwestern corn belt. That was a catastrophe for thousands of farmers and their families—but not for some other people in the agriculture business, who, without having to lift a hand, made a fat…

Help White Farmers Facing the Drought in South Africa
AS this Black-centric BBC report shows, South Africa is suffering the most severe drought in over 30 years. This is afflicting both Whites and Blacks in the agricultural areas, but the anti-White ANC government is content to sit back and allow the drought to slowly push the largely White-run farms…

The Celts, Part 2
Celtic folkways and the clash with Romans and Germans by Nick Griffin IN THE previous issue we looked at the origins and prehistory of the Celts. We traced their spread westward over Europe and their growing influence on their neighbors, up until the time of their first clashes with the Romans. (ILLUSTRATION:…

The Good Society
The following is a transcript of a presentation by Matt Koehl to students of a senior Political Science class at a high school in Worthington, Ohio, on January 11, 2005: I WANT TO thank you for giving me this opportunity to discuss with you a few ideas, which I hope will prove both stimulating and challenging.…

Ukraine: Kiev Regime OKs Monsanto Land Grab
$17 billion IMF loan tied to lifting of foreign land ownership rules. THE WORLD BANK and International Monetary Fund (IMF) is helping biotech run the latest war in Ukraine. Make no mistake that what is happening in the Ukraine now is deeply tied to the interests of Monsanto, Dow, Bayer, and other big…

Habits of Highly Effective Racists
Being White won’t be an accident in 2055; it will be an act of will on the part of one’s immediate ancestors. by Rob Freeman An Analysis of Overseas Chinese I LIVE NEAR two casinos, Foxwoods and Mohegan Sun. The Chinese are a race of highly enthusiastic gamblers, and are drawn to casinos like moths to a flame.…