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The Eight Traditional European Celebrations of the Seasons
The Wheel of the Year: A look into Europe’s ancient traditions and myths, that illuminate her time-honored values.
by Frank Jamger
INDIGENOUS EUROPEANS traditionally celebrate eight holidays whose dates are set by significant positions of the Earth as it revolves around the Sun. These positions…
Fighting to Be Who We Really Are
Based on an American Dissident Voices broadcast by Kevin Alfred Strom THIS WEEK MARKS the Winter Solstice, a sacred time for our people. The message of new life in our Solstice ceremony and this Solstice message is even more powerful for those of us involved in the struggle for the Life of our Folk. This…
The Winter Solstice: Celebrations for White Families and Households
Focus of Celebration: consider first your purpose(s) for the celebration, such as:
Strengthen family bonding with each other
Expand upon existing patterns of family celebrations
Attune family to Nature’s cycles
Attune family to its membership in the community of all life on planet Earth…
Positive Reproduction: Quality vs Quantity
YOU CAN’T HELP how you were born, but you can help what you do with your own life. There are many things in life that are, and always will be, out of your control, but your actions will always belong to you, and you alone. People can’t help being born sick or weak due to inherited genetic conditions.…
Czechia, Hungary, Serbia Fight ‘White Plague’ of Low Birthrates with Pro-Family Policies
PROCREATE or face extinction: that is the message from central European leaders to their shrinking populations, as across the region right-wing governments implement so-called “family first” policies to incentivise childbearing. Hungary’s government is holding an international summit on…
A Letter to an Aryan Mother
by Karl Radl I wrote this letter in reply to a long email I received from a female friend of mine who asked me for advice about her feelings of personal despair for the Aryan Race after completing graduate studies, getting married to a fellow National Socialist and having children. I reproduce it here because…
Survival Gardening 101
by Nelson Rosit Introduction YOU’RE NOT really a survivalist, perhaps not even a reluctant prepper, but if you’re reading these words you probably harbor serious doubts about the long-term viability of the present system. With this in mind individuals and families should, at the very least,…
Russia Joins Hungary in Pro-Natal Subsidies for Families
IN RUSSIA’S RECENT State of the Nation address, President Putin evidenced a serious attitude toward the goal of turning his nation’s birthrates positive again, increasing state subsidies for Russian families having more children. Hungary’s Orban announced similar measures…
Hungary’s Answer
WE ARE IN the midst of a critical “people race,” just ask any Jew. 300 million mostly worthless humanoids is not nearly enough, we must bring the entire population of the African Heart of Darkness and the Latin American sewer into our dying nation. There is a tremendous need for uneducated…
Coalition of the Fringes: Diversity, Feminism, and the Rape of the White Race
The War Against White Women: How Feminism & Diversity are Harming Them by R. Houck Feminism, the sexual revolution, open borders, advertising, and the anti-white media have coalesced to create a barren hellscape for white women in the postmodern world. Society endlessly inundates women with…