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The Ancient European Roots of Pennsylvania Dutch Barn Symbols
by August C. Mahr (1945)
ON A GREAT NUMBER of Pennsylvania Dutch barns, there are geometrical ornaments painted on the outside walls; ornaments which, as a rule, show some sort of star within a circular disk (Figs. 1, 2, 8, 10b).
The Pennsylvania Dutch barn in question is of the so-called Swiss bank-barn…

Asian Immigration Outnumbers Europeans for the First Time in Australia
IT HAS BEEN a direction the country has been intentionally steering towards for decades, however now it seems Australia can truly call itself an ‘Asian Nation’.
The 2016 census figures reveal that China, India and the Philippines now account for more foreign-born residents than the traditional birthplaces…

Our Proximate Future
by Revilo P. Oliver
THE SPRING issue of Mankind Quarterly contains a concise (pp. 261-273), lucid, and coldly objective article on Evolution and World Population by William P. Stevens of the Population Research Center.
The author examines the simple and indisputable facts of biological evolution,…

New DNA Study Proves Ancient Egyptians Closely Related to Whites, Not Blacks
The “Middle Eastern” ancestry cited was Neolithic, including some from ancient Anatolia, which was once almost entirely occupied by proto-Europeans, and likely included Sumerians, another essentially European people.
ANCIENT EGYPTIANS were more closely related to people from…

Shall Odin or Christ Inspire the Salvation of Europe?
The mythic archetype associated with a nation can make or break its destiny.
by Everte Farnell and National Vanguard correspondents
AGAIN AND AGAIN, the peoples of Europa conquered the other cultures they encountered. Before the modern era, they were well-nigh unconquerable. And yet now they seem…

Who is Odin?
Understanding the long-neglected religions of our ancestors teaches us much about who we are as a people, and what we may yet again become. The common origins of the Classical and Northern European religions is also discussed.
by Survive the Jive
WHERE DID Odin come from? Was he a shamanic figure influenced…

Who Were the First Europeans?
Was hybridization with Neanderthals racemixing as we would understand it? Or were the proto-Europeans so similar to the Neanderthals (look at the narrator staring down the reconstructed Neanderthal; the differences could have been much less then at that earlier point in our evolution; and compare…

The Demographic Catastrophe of Europe
THERE IS NOT a single European (or western, for that matter) country with positive birth rate. This means that there is mathematical certainty that European people will disappear, if they do not change their behavior and have more children. This means that White people will disappear even if immigration…

The Competent Race
by David Sims
EUROPEANS ARE a competent race: They became dominant over all other animals, as many other races never do. Being dominant in this way meant that the natural world had no positive check on their population growth. The checks that eventually came about were the negative ones of depletion…

Argentina: A Mirror of Your Future
ARGENTINA is a distant mirror that reflects what may be North America’s future. The country is a small-scale laboratory of the effects of migration: A suitable migration policy can transform a nation for the good; a wrong one spoils it.
Argentina became independent from Spain in 1816 just after Napoleon’s…