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The Pope Calls for National Suicide
by Douglas Mercer THAT SENILE OLD CODGER the Pope is at it again, visiting the stalwart nation of Hungary and trying to wheedle and shame them into committing national suicide. You see, Hungarians love Hungary and they like being Hungarians and, just as there have been Hungarians since time immemorial,…
God Forbid
Terrible idea by Terry Davis HITLER’S SUPERHUMAN efforts to save his people are so often used by appallingly ignorant but well-trained idiots as an example of “what we must not do.” Here’s what I said to one such fool the other day: God forbid a man could want Germany to remain…
The Best Thing You’ve Ever Done and the Best Words You’ve Ever Spoken
by Insitor Messor DON’T BE servile. Always be ready to act in the interests of our people, and act with quiet, assertive confidence. I took a woman on a date to a restaurant on New Year’s Eve. In the back was a group of our beloved African-American equals, making enough noise to be, well, distasteful.…
The Collective Racial Immune System
by Racial Consciousness 1 YOU, individually, are the product of your parents. Everything, collectively, is the product of Nature. In the same way that you inherit the qualities of your parents, so too do you inherit the qualities of Nature, of the natural order. 2 The microcosm reflects the macrocosm,…
It’s a Wonderful Race
by James Bronson THERE ONCE WAS a college freshman named George who thought he knew it all. One night over dinner, George got into an argument with his father. The argument began when the young student tried to explain to his father that as White people, they should be held accountable for all the evils…
Beyond Hate
by Matt Koehl Nowhere has the National Socialist position been more distorted and misconstrued than in the field of race relations. Not only has this poisoned the well of public discourse and prevented meaningful dialogue and understanding, but by creating a climate of falsehood and deceit, it has…
Why Europeans Must Reject Christianity: Part II
(first part here) by Ferdinand Bardamu Christianity: the Grandmother of Bolshevism? IN 1933, the German historian Oswald Spengler wrote:
All Communist systems in the West are in fact derived from Christian theological thought. … Christianity is the grandmother of Bolshevism. This alone makes…
All Communist systems in the West are in fact derived from Christian theological thought. … Christianity is the grandmother of Bolshevism. This alone makes…
Why Europeans Must Reject Christianity: Part I
(second part here) by Ferdinand Bardamu
Introduction IF ALL WESTERN SCIENCE and technology were to disappear overnight, the church would not be affected in the slightest; what matters is that the preaching of the gospel continues without pause, nothing else. Christianity and racialism are fundamentally…
Stories From Our Chilly Northern Home
This is the foreword to a children’s book I picked up in an antique store. — Blake Hood by James Baldwin
from The Story of Siegfried (1931) WHEN THE WORLD was in its childhood, men looked upon the works of Nature with a strange kind of awe. They fancied that everything upon the earth, in the air, or in…
from The Story of Siegfried (1931) WHEN THE WORLD was in its childhood, men looked upon the works of Nature with a strange kind of awe. They fancied that everything upon the earth, in the air, or in…
The Decline and Rise of Whites
ARE YOU CONCERNED about the future? Do you worry about what kind of world your children will grow up in? Are you skeptical of the idea that moving all the brown third world failures into White nations will somehow magically correct their centuries of pathology? Do you think becoming a hated minority in…