Posts Tagged
European Nationalists

Western Spring’s Memorial Tribute to John Tyndall
THE Western Spring organisation has for several years set a very high standard of professional events at high quality venues: this year’s John Tyndall Memorial Meeting was an outstanding example. Held at a high-class conference venue in the West Midlands on July 1st, the meeting was attended by…

The Anthem of the Nordic Resistance
THE NORDIC Resistance is a National Socialist organization based in Sweden and active in the the Nordic countries of Europe. They are the largest nationalist organization in Scandinavia. Their Web page is
Credits for this version of the song, which is based on the German…
Credits for this version of the song, which is based on the German…

Will Brexit Mean More Asian Immigrants?
WHILE MANY nationalists enthusiastically campaigned for ‘Brexit’ and are still celebrating victory in this year’s referendum, a little-discussed subplot of the Brexit drama developed further this week.
For most Brexit voters, immigration was the most important issue at stake in the referendum.…

Austria: Jews Moving to Control Naïve Nationalists
Jews welcomed by rightists seeking to gain popularity with controlled media by embracing Jews and Zionism; move could be fatal to White European survival as nationalist parties take first steps in conversion to anti-White, multiracialist agenda.
ATTENDEES GATHERED this month inside Vienna’s…

Finland: Future Days 2016
The Nordic Resistance Movement holds its annual teaching, training, and solidarity event in Finland this year; the video — which includes a significant speech in English — is inspiring.
by Paavo Laitinen
THIS YEAR, Future Days were organized in Central Finland. The first morning began…

Britain: Legion Summer Camp a Great Success
by Max Musson
LAST WEEKEND nationalists from a great many locations met for a most enjoyable weekend of camping, hiking, archery, field craft and martial arts training at a location in Yorkshire of outstanding natural beauty.
We assembled at the campsite on the Friday evening and after pitching our…

UK Leaders Conference: Quest for Unity and Direction
by Max Musson
FOLLOWING the controversy of Nick Griffin’s ultimately disastrous stewardship of the British National Party, that party has shed most of its former members and the nationalist movement in this country has become fragmented and disoriented. Today our movement is composed of a number…

Sweden: “We Must Take Our Country Back” — New Group, National Future, Patrols the North Sea to Stop Invaders
A NEW GROUP of patriot “migrant hunters” are patrolling Sweden’s southern coast by speedboat in a bid to tackle illegal immigration.
The group also carry out military-style foot patrols on the streets.
Nationell Framtid’s boats monitor the strait of Öresund, a three-mile stretch…

by Kevin Alfred Strom
ONE correspondent, O. R., writes to us about our news reporting on, specifically commenting on our coverage of European nationalist parties:
“There’s an issue with the National Vanguard Web site that has been bothering me lately, i.e., its…

You Say You Want a Revolution?
by Max Musson
MANY OF THE nationalist groups in Britain, who recognise the futility of electioneering, have instead embarked upon a campaign of street protests in the hope that by this means they will be able to effect political change. These groups hope that by organising demonstrations in which…