Posts Tagged
European history

The Indo-European Dragon-Slayer Myth
ACCORDING TO THE Indo-Europeanist scholar E. Benveniste, the first Indo-Europeans, or, using politically incorrect terminology, “Aryans”, were distinguished by patriarchal extended families, ancestral cult, agriculture and livestock breeding, an aristocratic society of priests, warriors…

Western Christianity
by Revilo P. Oliver
WHEN OUR Germanic ancestors invaded and occupied the decadent Roman Empire, it was deeply infected with Christianity, a Jewish cult that had been foisted onto the mongrelized inhabitants of the great empire that had been created by Aryans. Thus our ancestors contracted the alien…

Who Were the First Europeans?
Was hybridization with Neanderthals racemixing as we would understand it? Or were the proto-Europeans so similar to the Neanderthals (look at the narrator staring down the reconstructed Neanderthal; the differences could have been much less then at that earlier point in our evolution; and compare…

Nordic Bronze Age God-King
by Survive the Jive
THE Håga mound (Hågahögen) or King Björn’s barrow is a large Nordic Bronze Age burial mound near Uppsala, Sweden. (The Trundholm sun chariot in the thumbnail and the video was not found in the barrow; it was found in Denmark and is from roughly the same period.)
This mound is one…

Jewish Influence in the Lives of Peoples
Remarks on Evola’s Empire of the Shopkeepers. I recently reread this essay, and decided to offer a few comments on it.
by Organon tou Ontos
IN 1066, William “the Conqueror” brought with him and the Germanic peoples that had also come, the first Jews to the British isles. Thus it…

World War 2: Battling the People of the Lie, part 4
American Dissident Voices broadcast of April 15, 2017
by Kevin Alfred Strom
THE ALT-RIGHTERS who led the Trump train to victory would be spinning in their graves — if they weren’t still alive, a fact of which neither they…

Some Fairy Tales May Be 6,000 Years Old
WHEN IT COMES to the origin of Western fairy tales, the 19th century Brothers Grimm get a lot of the credit. Few scholars believe the Grimms were actually responsible for creating the tales, but academics probably didn’t realize how old many of these stories really are. A new study, which treats these…

Blame Whitey: How Muslims and Jews Worked Together to Construct the Myth Convivencia in Muslim-Ruled Spain
AN IMPORTANT PART of the Blame Whitey narrative that has come to frame the understanding of history conventionally found within the public sphere is the myth of tolerance in Muslim-ruled Spain: “convivencia” as it is called, or co-existence; together with an ostentatious appreciation…

Viking Grievances
by Tim Murray
NEWS ITEM: The Vikings travelled much farther in North America than previously thought.
On this basis I am prepared to file a land claim. I am, on my mother’s side, descended from Vikings and can trace my lineage back to the 10th century. I will demand compensation from the government…

The Utility of Shame: “Europe Has Never Had a Golden Age and Will Never Have One”
THE GERMAN PRESIDENT Joachim Gauck is, mercifully, coming to the end of his mandate, although his successor Steinmeier is not likely to be any better and may well be worse. Gauck was speaking in Paris a few days ago.
At the end Gauck comes to the verdict that Europe, alongside the good, has brought forth…