Posts Tagged
European history

Kali Yuga and the Age of Iron in Different Traditions
by Survive the Jive
IRISH, NORDIC, Greek and Indian texts all warn about an evil age that will be the final one in a cycle of ages, in which religious principles are forgotten, hardship and strife are widespread and people become evil. This video quotes from Hindu sources, Ovid’s Metamorphoses,…

Ötzi: The Aryan Iceman
by Karl Radl
THE CORPSE OF Ötzi was discovered by accident in the Alpine northern Italian region of the Tyrol in September of 1991. It was an immensely important find that rivalled the Dead Sea Scrolls as the archeological find of the century. Ötzi rewrote much of Chalcolithic history in Europe. He lived…

Russia and Europe — a Political Relationship That Has Never Been Solved
by Friedrich Romig
Editor’s Note: We at National Vanguard do not endorse all of the opinions or terminologies used in this review from the Visegrad Post, but we do find it a significant example of new thinking in Europe. The recognition that domination by (Jewish-controlled, though the author…

Reich and the Genetic Barbarians at the Gates
by Survive the Jive
LEADING GENETICIST David Reich’s recent interview with Atlantic reveals so much about how the field is simultaneously challenging left wing narratives of history and science, and also being used to shape them.
Since WWII, historians and archaeologists have disputed…

Establishment Conservatism Has Reached the Absolute Nadir of Self-Negation
I’M SURE ALL of you have experienced it: A boomer cuckservative lavishing praise on Western Civilization . . . only to to justify some policy (such as Third World immigration) that is actually harmful to the people who built Western Civilization.
Case in point: A truly embarrassing American…

Visiting Ireland’s Ancient Newgrange
MORE ANCIENT THAN the pyramids at 5,200 years old, Newgrange is one of the oldest man-made structures in the world. As you can see we had a lovely day for our visit, luckily enough — it had been raining endlessly just days before.
It is fascinating to think Irish people built this large structure…

Columbus Owed it All to the Muslims
Meanwhile, back in the states, the Establishment rips itself and history to shreds over Columbus and colonialism.
REMEMBER, KIDS. It was Muslims who told Columbus how to get there.
This ridiculous propaganda scene is from the Spanish mini-series “Requiem for Granada”. In it, Granada is under siege…

The Solar Stones of the Goths
by Survive the Jive
THE FAMOUS picture stones of Gotland are like Viking rune stones from Scandinavia, but they have pictures and fewer runes. The themes and images depicted on them developed over the Iron Age and into the Viking Age. Originally they seem to have pertained to some kind of Indo-European…

Germany’s 1923 Hyperinflation: A “Private” Affair
Discussions of the dangers of inflation inevitably end up at the worst-ever case known — the German hyperinflation of 1923. Accompanied by economists’ moralizing warnings of the dire results of governments’ printing paper money, the German hyperinflation is used as a horror…

Inspirational Video of the Day: Europe Must Not Despair
MY FRIENDS, it’s all there. It’s all waiting. Of course it can be done. It depends upon ourselves.
You say, “but again, we’re scattered individuals.…