Posts Tagged
European history

Destroying the Past
by Dr. William L. Pierce
FEBRUARY HAS BEEN decreed “Black History Month,” and so a recent February issue of the Washington Post contained a feature article titled “Ancient African Heroines.” The two principal heroines treated were Hatshepsut, an Egyptian queen of the…

Did Portugal’s Greatest Novelist Predict the ‘Holocaust’?
A selection from Cartas de Inglaterra (1882) by Eça de Queiroz (pictured)
translated and with notes by Carlos Whitlock Porter IN ENGLAND, as in Germany, the Jews abound, influencing opinion through the newspapers which they own (among others, the Daily Telegraph, one of the most important papers…
translated and with notes by Carlos Whitlock Porter IN ENGLAND, as in Germany, the Jews abound, influencing opinion through the newspapers which they own (among others, the Daily Telegraph, one of the most important papers…

Jewish Terror: The Story of Lord Northcliffe
Lord Northcliffe (pictured) was a victim of the Zionist establishment whose story deserves to be told, though it was covered up for decades. The lessons for us in his story are deep and profound.
by Kevin Alfred Strom
THE PRESS MAGNATE Alfred Harmsworth, later Britain’s Lord Northcliffe, once…

Composite Greeks: the Ancient and the Modern
by Dienekes Pontikos
IT IS OFTEN stated either that “modern Greeks look like ancient ones,” or “modern Greeks don’t look like ancient ones” without any kind of factual-based justification which would lead one to accept either opinion.
It is well known that genes recombine in each generation…

The Jewish Influence on Religion
by William B. Fox (pictured)
HOW HAS Jewish influence shaped religion in our civilization? Does it matter if such influence is deliberate or merely instinctive? If you want an informed answer to these questions, here are some resources to consider:
Sir Edward Gibbon on Christianity: The 18th-century…