Posts Tagged
European Culture

Heralding the Second Half of Human History
by Matt Koehl THE FALL OF BERLIN to the Eastern hordes in 1945 represents a decisive turning point in the history of the world. Very few have yet grasped its real import, although many have argued the hypothetical possibilities of a different denouement to that fateful conflict. Unfortunately, the…

Edutainment, part 2: Nothing Is Accidental
Professional media productions are very, very expensive. You may be sure that everything, including almost everything that seems to you a random and inconsequential detail, is carefully planned to have a certain emotional or psychological effect on you, the viewer. by Arthur Thief Nothing Is Accidental…

Edutainment, part 1: The True Nature of All Entertainment
by Arthur Thief THE TERM “edutainment” is a portmanteau which describes the embedding of intentional educational content into an entertainment vehicle — be it a fictional story, movie, or television show — or even a video game. Whatever the origin or original intent of the word, it possesses…

More Good Contemporary Art
IT HAS BEEN a while since I last featured contemporary artists who I think are not only very good, but very much in the European tradition. As I often say, there is still a lot of great art being created; it is just that one will not find it in the mainstream, where everything is based upon the deconstruction…