Posts Tagged
European Colonialism

The Colonized and the Colonizers
by David Sims ANOTHER QUESTION from Quora: “Why did White people have such a problem with Native Americans?” So you can fully understand the dynamics, let me begin with a very important digression: Colonized people are not always culturally inferior to the colonizers. The presently…

Some Are Givers and Some Are Takers
by David Sims IF CULTURAL APPROPRIATION is a bad thing, then all non-Whites should stop using technology. Anything that needs electricity to run, Africans should never use, since Whites invented the methods of generating and consuming electric power. Electricity is an often unacknowledged part…

Sic Transit
by Revilo P. Oliver THE CONTINUING civil war in Ceylon (now called Sri Lanka according to the dubious tradition that the island is the Lanka of the Ramayana) and the frequent reports of riots and massacres there remind me that thirty years ago, in 1958, I read with appreciation a charming little book,…

The Wild, Stoic Youth of Colonial Virginia
VISITORS COMMONLY remarked that Virginians seemed to be exceptionally indulgent toward their children — an observation that was never made in New England in the seventeenth century. The Calvinist doctrine that children were inherently evil rarely appeared in the writings of Anglican parents in…

The True Story of Haiti — and the Mass Murder of Whites Under Black Rule
THE CARIBBEAN STATE OF HAITI serves as a striking reminder of just how deadly the practice of slavery could be. By 1804, the combined effect of thirteen years of uprisings, murder, and terrorism had destroyed the White population of Haiti, along with all agricultural production and the economy of what…

Who We Are #22 — The Age of Exploration and Colonialism
By Dr. William L. Pierce
Centuries of Colonialism Yield Benefits, Perils Nearly All Black Slaves Went to Iberian America Economic Colonialism is Racial Treason
WITH THE CLOSE of the Viking Age in the latter half of the 11th century, we left the prehistoric period, with all its pagan vigor, behind us…

Dummies’ Guide to Democide
by Michael Walsh DEMOCIDE is a term revived and redefined by the political scientist R.J. Rummel (1932-2014) as “the murder of any person or people by their government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder.” Population control is a common aim of governments. Pressure to decrease inconvenient…

Suicidal Blunder
by Revilo P. Oliver EVERY FEW DAYS the newspapers report another massacre in India or Ceylon, reminding us that such massacres have occurred continually ever since the British made India independent. The news doubtless delights the “Liberal intellectuals” who prated about the evils…

European Colonialism: A Different Perspective
by Andrew Hamilton JETTISON POLITICAL correctness and pre-1945 European colonialism can be viewed as an expression of demographic growth, dominance, racial health, and vitality. Nobody centrally planned or thought it through beforehand, or while it was happening. It transpired over centuries,…