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Equality: Man’s Most Dangerous Myth
EDITOR’S NOTE: This was the lead story in the special mass-distribution edition of National Vanguard newspaper, distributed by the thousands by National Alliance members between 1978 and 1982. It was also the first work of Dr. Pierce’s encountered by Kevin Alfred Strom, now media director…

Apollo Reloaded
by Kevin Alfred Strom and Jeff Hilton
YOU’RE ABOUT TO hear an extraordinary story. A story of a man who paid with his life for a foolish, stupid belief that has no basis in reality. No, I’m not talking about believing in “democracy in Iraq,” or in the “Chosen people”…

“World White Web” Project: Google’s Search Results Are Not “Diverse” Enough
Insane Swede thinks uploading pictures of non-White hands will “put an end to Whiteness on the Web.”
WHEN you search on Google for the term “hand” or “leg,” the results you get back rarely feature a person of color.
It was this particular search result that led Swedish design student Johanna…

Shut Down the TERF Rally Next Week!
EDITOR’S NOTE: The following article — from the Leftist “Indymedia” site — should not be read by children. It is republished here primarily to indicate the self-destructive madness to which the unnatural, anti-Life philosophies of “equality” and…

The Millstone About His Neck
The real source of “liberal” delusions
by Revilo P. Oliver
JOHN STUART MILL (1806-1873; pictured) is chiefly remembered today as an example of precocity and as the author of an enthusiastic essay On Liberty (1859). There is still debate about whether he was extraordinarily precocious…

Revolt of the Submen
by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured)
A FEW YEARS AGO “fascism” was the number-one devil of the radical Left. Today it is “racism.” This change is significant, and a close look at the reasons behind it reveals to us, in starkly simple terms, the fundamental nature of communism…

Autism, Lost Souls, and X
by Kevin Alfred Strom
THE TRAGEDY OF WHITE AMERICA can be compared with another, perhaps even more mysterious tragedy: the tragedy of autism. Autism has touched my family directly, so I know something about it. An autistic child will never be normal, even though his intelligence may be high. He cannot…

Equality: Man’s Most Dangerous Myth
by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured)
ALL RACIAL DIFFERENCES are either genetic (hereditary, inborn) or cultural (acquired from society after birth). The latter can be changed or eliminated by enforced social changes; the former are independent of man’s laws and customs, except over a period…