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2 + 2 = “Racism”
REALITY, the information provided by your lying eyes, physical evidence and statistical patterns is “racist” and therefore must be rejected as untrue in the name of our State Religion of Jewish cultural marxism. Having opinions that conform to the expected orthodoxy of the cathedral…

Zimbabwe: Liberal Consequences
by Dr. William L. Pierce
TODAY LET’S TALK about liberalism. Let’s look at what this disease of the soul is doing to one group of our people. Let’s look at the consequences of liberalism in a country in the southeastern part of the continent of Africa, a country which until 20 years…

AIDS and the Cult of Equality
by Dr. William L. Pierce
THE ORGANIZATION which I head, the National Alliance, has for the past five years or so been publishing warnings about the dangers of contracting AIDS through sexual contact with non-Whites. We have warned, for example, that heterosexual Black males are 14 times as likely…

Slovenia: Homosexual “Marriage” Overwhelmingly Rejected in Referendum
Slovenians have rejected same-sex marriage by a large margin in a referendum.
ALMOST two-thirds of voters said no to a bill that defined marriage as a union between two consenting adults. (ILLUSTRATION: Violeta Tomic, MP of the United
Left party which pushed the “equality” bill) Parliament…
Left party which pushed the “equality” bill) Parliament…

Army Secretary: Women Should Have to Register for Draft
EDITOR’S NOTE: Societies that attempt to achieve “full and pure equality” soon cease to exist. There has never been, and never can be, such a thing. And, if there could be such a thing, it would be undesirable and harmful.
IN LIGHT OF the Pentagon’s recent decision to open all jobs…

The Romantic Idea That the Mills Are the Problem
TRYING TO EXPLAIN the emergence of the Alt Right movement seems obvious until you realize that it was, to an extent, preceded by the Hippie movement of the 1960s; which itself was preceded by various other movements, including the romantic movement in art and literature in the centuries before. (ILLUSTRATION:…

With Malice Aforethought
A review of the film The Crying Game
by Dr. William L. Pierce TODAY I WANT to talk with you about morality — about standards — about values. (ILLUSTRATION: DVD case art for The Crying Game) Most of us have heard it said that the reason America is in such a mess today is that our people have lost…
by Dr. William L. Pierce TODAY I WANT to talk with you about morality — about standards — about values. (ILLUSTRATION: DVD case art for The Crying Game) Most of us have heard it said that the reason America is in such a mess today is that our people have lost…

Brown University: Huge Controversy Over Column Stating That Races Vary in Lactose Tolerance
Insane equalitarians enraged at suggestion that races are even slightly biologically different
FROM the Providence Journal:
University leaders ask for wide discussion of ‘deeply offensive’ opinions in Brown Daily Herald
By Gregory Smith Journal Staff Writer
Posted Oct. 12, 2015 at 5:04 PM
A trio…

Insane Social Justice Warriors: Reading to Your Children Confers “Unfair Advantage”
EDITOR’S NOTE: It doesn’t get much crazier than this. Perhaps it’s also unfair that some people are addicted to heroin and others are not — so all children should be given mandatory doses starting at an early age.
In this piece from the state-subsidized Australian Broadcasting…

Capitalism and Equality
American Dissident Voices Broadcast of January 15, 2000
by Dr. William Pierce
I WAS AMUSED last week when America’s top baseball commissars ordered that Atlanta Braves pitcher John Rocker (pictured) undergo psychiatric testing because he said he finds New York City a depressing place, filled…