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Optimizing Society
Sorry, leftists, but it’s impossible to optimize for two values simultaneously. by David Sims SOME SAY that racial bias is the reason for the preponderance of older Whites in senior positions in Western scientific institutions. That’s false. I’d elaborate, but in order to do…

Countering the Poison
by Dr. William L. Pierce TODAY LET’S TALK more about a very disturbing phenomenon that we’ve discussed several times in the past few weeks, namely a conditioned inability of White people — or at least, a substantial percentage of White people — to defend themselves against…

The National-Socialist Critique of Democracy
Chapter 4 Democracy or Leadership
Translated by Hadding Scott from the 16th (1940) edition of Hansjoerg Maennel’s Politische Fibel DEMOCRACY IS THE DOCTRINE of the equality of all human beings and of the ability of all human beings to govern themselves. (Democracy, Greek = rule by the folk,…

AIDS and the Cult of Equality
by Dr. William L. Pierce THE ORGANIZATION which I head, the National Alliance, has for the past five years or so been publishing warnings about the dangers of contracting AIDS through sexual contact with non-Whites. We have warned, for example, that heterosexual Black males are 14 times as likely as…

Shakespeare and Democracy: Our Culture is Not Being Passed On to Future Generations
by Dr. William L. Pierce WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE is out. Maya Angelou, Frantz Fanon, and W.E.B. DuBois are in. I’m talking about fashion at American universities. There’s been some discussion in the mass media recently about the fact that American universities are phasing out Shakespeare…

The Revolt Against Civilization: The Menace of the Underman (Part 15)
As part of our commitment to the celebration of forgotten classics—i.e., great works of the past which have been intentionally flushed down the memory hole by our Orwellian overlords—National Vanguard is proud to present a condensed edition of Lothrop Stoddard’s pioneering treatise The Revolt…

Shall Odin or Christ Inspire the Salvation of Europe?
The mythic archetype associated with a nation can make or break its destiny. by Everte Farnell and National Vanguard correspondents AGAIN AND AGAIN, the peoples of Europa conquered the other cultures they encountered. Before the modern era, they were well-nigh unconquerable. And yet now they seem…

Reckless White Males
The text accompanying this irreverent photo essay is an exact copy of an article recently published on the South African edition of the Huffington Post which was so popular they decided to take it down. SOME OF THE biggest blows to the progressive cause in the past year have often been due to the votes…

Not Satire: University Holding “Nap-Ins” So Students Can “Dream Of Diversity”
A NEW INTERACTIVE art installation is opening the door for students to share their future dreams of diversity through “Nap-Ins” in Morris Library.
Student coordinator Marissa Amposta is facilitating four sleep sessions in March where students will be given the opportunity to nap for two hours…

Unequal Citizens
by Andrew Hamilton CITIZENSHIP SPECIFIES who is a member of the polity. It is axiomatic among us that only “Whites” (in some sense, which must be carefully and explicitly defined) can be citizens, whereas non-Whites cannot and should not be. It is this aspect of citizenship that demands the most careful…