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A FEW MONTHS AGO, I went through the worst experience of my life: my father passed away. It was a cancer which took him, and a small part of myself as well. As I reflect on the time proceeding his death, there were so many hard parts. One of the hardest was not being able to mourn in peace. Nope, in our society…
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Experts say human impact on Earth so profound that Holocene must give way to epoch defined by nuclear tests, plastic pollution and domesticated chicken HUMANITY’S IMPACT on the Earth is now so profound that a new geological epoch — the Anthropocene — needs to be declared, according…
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The greatest threat to the Earth is the “liberal” capitalist order which subsidizes, industrializes, and consumerizes the vast, high-birthrate masses of the Third World. EARTH OVERSHOOT DAY 2016 landed on August 8, marking the date when humanity has exhausted nature’s budget for…
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All efforts by the government to clean the Rio waters seem to have failed ATHLETES competing in the 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil have been warned by doctors, engineers, and scientists to keep their mouths shut while participating in activities in the water. Researchers found that many of the beaches…
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Isle of Capri declared a bird sanctuary in 1932 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY was first advanced in fascist nations. Mussolini’s Italy and Hitler’s Germany were far ahead of the nations of their day. In the cartoon image below, from Punch in 1939, Mussolini’s 1932 declaration of the Italian…
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Russia has just announced a game-changing move in the fight against Monsanto’s GMOs, completely banning the use of genetically modified ingredients in any and all food production. IN OTHER WORDS, Russia just blazed way past the issue of GMO labeling and shut down the use of any and all GMOs that would…
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SCOTLAND says it will ban genetically modified crops on its soil. According to officials, the move will protect the environment. They are also taking advantage of new EU laws, allowing member states to decide whether they want to grow the crops or not. Although the EU imports large quantities of GM…
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Massive population growth in the Third World is by far the most ominous factor for destruction of our natural environment; the slow-growth White population is largely one of problem-solvers, while the fast-growth Muslim, lower-grade south Asian, Mestizo, and African populations are constituted
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by Max Musson IN this modern age of concern for environmental issues, many people and even some naturalists who should know better, often talk of the ‘balance of nature’, and in reference to the impact of mankind’s growth and expansion across the globe, are highly critical, citing current trends as…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce IN these talks I have with you every week, I try to choose topics of current interest, topics that are in the news — or that should be in the news — because it’s important for all of our listeners to understand that the things we talk about in these broadcasts are…
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