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Edutainment, part 2: Nothing Is Accidental
Professional media productions are very, very expensive. You may be sure that everything, including almost everything that seems to you a random and inconsequential detail, is carefully planned to have a certain emotional or psychological effect on you, the viewer. by Arthur Thief Nothing Is Accidental…
Edutainment, part 1: The True Nature of All Entertainment
by Arthur Thief THE TERM “edutainment” is a portmanteau which describes the embedding of intentional educational content into an entertainment vehicle — be it a fictional story, movie, or television show — or even a video game. Whatever the origin or original intent of the word, it possesses…
Distractions and Psywar Weapons
by David Sims THE TITLE OF AN article on Bill Cosby’s sexual crimes reads: “The entertainment industry enabled Bill Cosby.” “The entertainment industry” — what a nebulous scapegoat. It is a misleading generality that tries to blame a faceless group of companies…
Fade to Black
The darkening of our screens and its part in the theft of our past and our future by Jack Antonio YOU FLY into London on a British Airways plane on which you are shown an animated film about safety. It stars a cartoon Black man with his cartoon White wife and their cartoon mixed-race child. You pass through…
Mike Wallace’s Lesson
Media Jew Mike Wallace by Dr. William L. Pierce LAST WEEK I was on the CBS program 60 Minutes II, with Mike Wallace. I also was on 60 Minutes five years ago, and both times I came away with the same feeling of unreality, the feeling that I had just been talking to an alien from Mars instead of to another person…
The Upside of White Genocide: Propaganda So Good They Had to Make it Twice
AS I’VE TAKEN note of over the years, the French government has long been promoting “diversity” on both the large and small screens, including through the use of generous subsidies. It actually has agencies that monitor all television and cinema production and produce annual and quarterly…
Spalding Gray’s Suicide
Viewed from the perspective of The Dispossessed Majority by John I. Johnson BIPOLAR SELF-ABSORBED dyslexic high-IQ depressed WASP actor Spalding Gray (pictured; 1941-2004) committed suicide in the freezing cold of January 2004 by jumping into the East River from the Staten Island Ferry. The identity…
Halloween Agendafest: American Horror Story
by William McDonald LOOKING FOR HALLOWEEN entertainment last night, I made a questionable decision and selected American Horror Story, season 7, expecting assured disappointment since the previous six seasons were almost uniformly bad. In the first five minutes of this season, you can see that…
I Hate Shakespeare
by Andrew Hamilton FOR 250 years Shakespeare has been central to the Western literary canon. No other writer of any land or age has enjoyed popularity and renown on such a colossal and astounding scale. Shakespeare is considered the greatest of all dramatists. Hundreds of editions of his plays have…
Syndrome of a Down
PLEASE WATCH the amazing video above. Be sure to dislike and leave comments. This is what our enemy has been reduced to. They were always this weak. A “Rage Against the Machine” tribute band performs completely limp nu-metal while a singer that one Jewtube commentator described as a “144…