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EssaysJohn Massaro

by John Massaro THE JORDANIANS CALL IT the King Hussein Bridge, the Israelis the Allenby Bridge. At the bus station in Amman they compromise, and if you want to visit what the Jordanians and the rest of the world call the West Bank, but the Israelis refer to as Judea and Samaria, you go to the counter marked…
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EssaysJohn Massaro

Ancient building carved directly into the cliff face in Petra, Jordan by John Massaro THE ANCIENT CITY of Petra is Jordan’s crowning glory. In the fourth century B.C. an obscure tribe, the Nabataeans, and after them the Romans, carved temples, palaces and tombs from the indigenous pink sandstone;…
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EssaysJohn Massaro

by John Massaro SHEM WAS A frail, unattractive man who worked in the quiet [Syrian] government tourist office on Port Said Boulevard. I asked him if Zebdani, a resort town in the Anti-Lebanon Mountains – just a few miles from the Lebanese border – was worth a visit. He said it definitely was,…
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EssaysJohn Massaro

by John Massaro THERE SEEMED TO BE only one hotel in Baniyas, the Hotel Baniyas. Please, oh God, please have a room, I prayed. They did. I showered, took a nap, woke up, read for an hour and went to the market to buy a melon for tomorrow’s breakfast. Seeing me return with one, the manager brought a knife…
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EssaysJohn Massaro

by John Massaro “NUSAYBIN Hudut Kapisi,” the fresh Turkish exit stamp in my passport read. Straight ahead was El Qamishliye, Syria, a remote, sleepy frontier town near the desolate point where Turkey, Syria and Iraq meet. It was 1984 and I was not feeling confident. What was Syria going…
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Retired Egyptian General Fouad Fayoud: Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna was a Jew; Israel’s Mossad wants to “tear apart” Arab countries with sectarian conflict. MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD founder Hassan al-Banna was secretly a Jew, retired Egyptian General Fouad Fayoud said last month on Egyptian…
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Their claim in this controlled media piece is that the explosion would have been a mere “demonstration” of Israeli power to get the Arab nations to “back off.” But this is doubtful: The nuclear explosion would have been in Egypt’s Sinai peninsula, and there would have
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The “Middle Eastern” ancestry cited was Neolithic, including some from ancient Anatolia, which was once almost entirely occupied by proto-Europeans, and likely included Sumerians, another essentially European people. ANCIENT EGYPTIANS were more closely related to people from…
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THIS WORK REFUTES Afrocentrist nonsense which claims that “Egypt was black” through reviewing the historical record of Egyptian art, images of mummies, and new dramatic DNA evidence. Ra was the sun god of ancient Egypt, and part of the religion of that culture was a belief that the pharaohs were descended…
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Classic EssaysRevilo P. Oliver

by Revilo P. Oliver IN THE FIRST CENTURY B.C. and the following century, Egypt, Palestine, and adjacent parts of the Near East swarmed with goetae, itinerant mountebanks who practiced thaumaturgy, performing tricks of magic to make the yokels gawk and part with their money. These fakirs were also…
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