Posts Tagged
Dwight D. Eisenhower

How the Jews Invented McCarthyism
Senator McCarthy (left) heeds the instrument of his downfall, Roy Cohn, who was later to be an associate and mentor of Donald Trump. by Hadding Scott THERE ARE MAINSTREAM accounts of the political career of Senator Joseph R. McCarthy that make no bones about the fact that the overwhelming majority of…

I Was a Prison Guard in Eisenhower’s Death Camps
Despite the author’s religious and universalist misunderstandings, which blind him to the real cause of these atrocities, this is very important testimony. by Martin Brech (1990)
FORTY-FIVE YEARS AGO, I witnessed an atrocity: the deliberate starvation of German POWs by our own army. History,…

The “Greatest Generation”
Every month, it seems, yet another movie is released based upon some real or some fanciful event of World War Two. Invariably, like some stylized Greek drama in which the actors all wear the same masks and all chant the same lines, the cast in these propagandistic morality plays are as predictable as the…

Eisenhower’s Death Camps
One of the many dirty secrets of World War 2: the Germans were victims of mass murder, again and again, as Thomas Goodrich has documented. This piece by James Bacque — on just one aspect of this real holocaust — was one of the first to break the blackout on these crimes. by James Bacque CALL IT…

The Hidden Tyranny Revealed, part 3
American Dissident Voices program of 29th October, 1994 by Benjamin H. Freedman introduced by Kevin Alfred Strom WELCOME TO THE THIRD and final installment of our series on the amazing revelations of that insider to the forces which are destroying the United States of America, that insider who broke…