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Killing White Pride Through Art
IT’S NOT ENOUGH to wipe White people out genetically. It’s not enough to deny them their own space in which to continue their existence. You have to obliterate any sense of pride in their ancestors’ achievements and instill a sense of shame and guilt in them even when they are doing something as…

Polish “Euroweek” Program Hands Over Young Girls to Brown Men for “Integration”
THE POLISH “Euroweek” program began at the University of Economics in Katowice under the name “Euroweek School of Leaders”. It was to “inform Polish students on local and international issues through various conferences and seminars conducted with the participation of Polish prime ministers,…

The Pyramid (Part One)
THE MEN WHO RULE over us today are the ‘economic men’ Brooks Adams spoke of in his book, The Law of Civilisation and Decay. Adams posited two types of man — ‘the spiritual man’ characterised by the farmer, the warrior, the poet and the priest, and the ‘economic man’ characterised by…

Finally, the New York Times Does Some Real Reporting — On the Diversity Admissions Scam at Elite U.S. Colleges
Good job shitlibs and conservatives, the farce below is on you. — DM
Louisiana School Made Headlines for Sending Black Kids to Elite Colleges. Here’s the Reality.
T.M. Landry, a school in small-town Louisiana, has garnered national attention for vaulting its underprivileged black students…

Shocking Differences
by Dr. William L. Pierce
DURING THE PAST couple of weeks we’ve spoken a bit about the “diversity” being pushed so vigorously by the government and by the Jewish media, and I apparently made some irreverent remarks on this very sensitive topic which greatly offended some of our more…

As Ye Sow . . .
by Dr. William L. Pierce
FIRST, I want to admit to an error I made in last week’s broadcast. I attributed to the circus impresario P.T. Barnum the statement that no one ever lost a nickel by underestimating the intelligence of the American public. At least two alert listeners have since pointed…

The List of Forbidden Words
At Colorado State University (CSU), administrators have designated the common greeting “long time, no see” as non-inclusive language.
THERE IS ONLY ONE crime, thought crime. We must police our speech, remove as many words (and the unpleasant ideas they represent) as possible. We’re…

The ‘Great Replacement’ Looms For Old Stock Canadians
CANADA TAKES EVEN more immigrants relative to its population than the U.S. but its elite has long been as complacently confident that the immigration issue could be kept out of politics as the U.S. elite was before Trump. (Canada has the added advantage of shockingly repressive Hate Speech laws, although…

A Sign of the Times: Beautiful White Co-ed Murdered by Criminal Negro Ex
by Dissident Millennial
THERE’S BEEN some politically-correct handwringing in the media lately over the murder of a beautiful White co-ed by a 37-year-old Black criminal with whom she’d had a brief affair.
Slain University of Utah athlete had told school of ex-boyfriend’s harassment…

Coalition of the Fringes: Diversity, Feminism, and the Rape of the White Race
The War Against White Women: How Feminism & Diversity are Harming Them
by R. Houck
Feminism, the sexual revolution, open borders, advertising, and the anti-white media have coalesced to create a barren hellscape for white women in the postmodern world. Society endlessly inundates women with…