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AS OUR DYING NATION gets darker and dumber formerly trustworthy institutions are going to sag under the Brown burden and eventually collapse. For example, I often discuss the 90 I.Q. police heroes responsible for protecting us from the encroaching rot. As it turns out, the numerical indicator of the…
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by Paul Craig Roberts The Western world is collapsing so rapidly that I am afraid that I am going to outlive it. THE WESTERN presstitutes and politicians have demonized Putin, Maduro, Iran, and Trump to the same extent as the “patriotic” propagandistic Western court historians have demonized…
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Editor’s Note: Question — How do you make sense of the racial disparities which continue to persist in America despite half a century’s worth of “civil rights” if you believe in the literal equality, sameness, and interchangeability of human populations, otherwise
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I HAVE DECIDED to start my own religion. It will be called “White Supremacy Lamb” which, when translated from ancient Hyperborean, means “complete submission to whatever we tell you.” I plan on opening our first church in Jerusalem. The local Jewish population will be expected…
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EditorialsGuest opinion

Diversity and Elitism I read (I think over at Sailer’s) an astute observation about diversity: the more diversity you have, the more elitism you get, because the shrinking pool of native stock Whites will create more barriers to entry for every American pastime and institution and recreational park…
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A straightforward explanation A FEW WEEKS ago, the sky fell on Congressman Steve King because of an entirely phony accusation of “white supremacy.” Black Republican Senator Tim Scott was among those who attacked the congressman for daring to say, “White nationalist, white supremacist, Western…
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FRENCH CINEMA is a case study in how art can be corrupted by the interference of the state and the lure of subsidy. Once known for its subversive and arty auteurs, the French movie industry now seems happy to comply with the messaging diktats of the State. Its primary mission is churning out diversity propaganda,…
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(first part here) by Ferdinand Bardamu Christianity: the Grandmother of Bolshevism? IN 1933, the German historian Oswald Spengler wrote:
All Communist systems in the West are in fact derived from Christian theological thought. … Christianity is the grandmother of Bolshevism. This alone makes…
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Witness the unstoppable triumph of “our greatest strength.” ALMOST EVERYONE that goes out to visit one of our major cities on the west coast has a similar reaction.  Those that must live among the escalating decay are often numb to it, but most of those that are just in town for a visit are…
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I WAS TALKING the other night with a man who has a son entering college in the fall. The father is a nice guy and generous with his collection of rare whiskeys though, like most people who glance off the side of our lives, he is an acquaintance rather than friend. I had always taken him to be liberal, albeit…
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