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Disneyland: The Happiest Place on Earth
So happy. So diverse. So improved over the way it was when that nasty old anti-Semitic racist Walt Disney ran the place. Greater LA is truly the land of the American dream, updated for us by God’s own. What a wonderful time to be alive. Watch the short White man (dark grey baseball cap, red backpack)…

The Destructive Media
Jewish control of the American mass media has real consequences for the United States and the world by Dr. William L. Pierce ONE OF THE SUBJECTS we’ve covered a number of times in this newsletter is the Jewish control of the news and entertainment media and the enormous damage this control is…

Disney and the Jews: Eisner and His Kind Must Stop Harming Our Children
by Dr. William L. Pierce WE’VE SPOKEN about the Jewish control of the news and entertainment media before, but it’s a matter of such urgency that we need to talk about it again and again. It is absolutely essential for us to understand who controls our mass media and how they use their control…

The Circle of Life
I HAD THE opportunity to re-watch the The Lion King recently, and I was astounded at how secretly rightist and traditionalist the film is. (Granted, the mainstream media did complain about this when the film was first released.) For starters, Disney’s most popular film about Africa doesn’t feature…

Top Disney Jew Iger Took Home $46 Million As He Replaced White American Workers With Foreigners
THERE WAS a lot to celebrate in the Magic Kingdom this year. The Disney Corporation had its most profitable year ever, with profits of $7.5 billion — up 22 percent from the previous year. Disney’s stock price is up approximately 150 percent over the past three years. These kinds of results have…

Jewish-Owned Disney Fires Americans, Hires Indian Immigrants
ORLANDO, Fla. — The employees who kept the data systems humming in the vast Walt Disney fantasy fief did not suspect trouble when they were suddenly summoned to meetings with their boss. (ILLUSTRATION: The Team Disney building in Lake Buena Vista, Fla., which houses most of the company’s technology…