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The Mysterious Force of “White Racism”
A scene in once-clean, once-prosperous, once-cultured, once-White Detroit, Michigan by David Sims IN A discussion on about the reasons for Detroit’s failure, I recently read the following: Bloviators love to talk about the ‘unsustainable legacy’ costs of pensions…

The Detroit All Against All
PLEASE WATCH the amazing video, above. Be sure to copy and spread. The comments are already disabled, I doubt this one will be on Jewtube much longer. The camera zooms in on a non-responsive Negro body sprawled out on the Detroit Rot City pavement. Dead? Unconscious? Who cares, it’s time to start…

Detroit: White Woman “Dates” Black Male, Ends Up Dead After Months of Abuse
And her White four-year-old daughter was also burned alive by the Black “boyfriend.” Marcus Hightower regularly abused Heidi Walker, biting her, choking her, and beating her bloody during their six-month “relationship.” Notice that this story is almost totally buried…

Detroit: Four-Year-Old White Girl Tortured, Burned Beyond Recognition by Black Male
Naturally, the national media are silent. “Tyger Tyger, burning bright, In the forests of the night; What immortal hand or eye, Could frame thy fearful symmetry?” – William Blake A FOUR-year-old little girl should be doing absolutely nothing, but enjoying living. She should…

Detroit Worst in the Nation in Math and Reading, Scores in Single Digits
It’s easier to survive a nuclear bomb than to survive the race bomb. FOR THE FOURTH time in a row, Detroit ranked last among urban school districts that participated in a rigorous national test, with students showing no significant improvement in math or reading. (ILLUSTRATION: Some typical…

Detroit’s Black Rape Gangs Target Couples
Victims forced into alleys, men made to watch sex assault on female companions IN A DEVELOPING story, a gang of rapists in Detroit is terrorizing citizens in the crime-ridden city. Detroit police are looking for as many as six suspects after two rape and robbery incidents occurred on Thursday night…

Africanizing America
American Dissident Voices broadcast of May 2, 2015 by Kevin Alfred Strom I REMEMBER Baltimore. As we have all seen in the last few days, Baltimore — the Baltimore we knew — is dead. The flames may have died down by the time you…

Detroit: The Death of White Civilization
ANYONE WHO DOUBTS the long-term effect of the swamping of the First World by the Third, need look no further than Detroit, where a new report has revealed that almost half of all adults in the city are “functionally illiterate” and essentially unable to operate in normal society. The report, issued…