Posts Tagged
Descent of Civilization

The Pyramid (Part One)
THE MEN WHO RULE over us today are the ‘economic men’ Brooks Adams spoke of in his book, The Law of Civilisation and Decay. Adams posited two types of man — ‘the spiritual man’ characterised by the farmer, the warrior, the poet and the priest, and the ‘economic man’ characterised by…

“Prepare for Guerrilla War,” Say Police Special Forces as the Authority of the State Crumbles in France
IN THESE VIDEOS we see French police coming under Kalashnikov fire in Marseilles.
The local people interviewed about this incident afterwards said it was nothing special; things like that happen almost every day. Some of the footage showed them just walking around normally as the shooting went on.…

Down the Slippery Slope
by Dr. William L. Pierce
I’VE HAD MANY COMMENTS on my program of three weeks ago — that was the one in which I told you about the breakup of a child-pornography ring in Moscow which kidnapped Russian children, raped and sexually tortured them in front of cameras, and then sold videos of the…

Blood and Soil
by Bane
IN A NATION that doesn’t have a basis in the common values of blood and soil, it falls to the inhabitants of that nation to devise their own flawed basis by which citizenship can be bestowed on the outsiders looking in. One of the most commonly peddled assumptions is that military service is a decent…

A Racial Lesson: The Collapse of Georgia’s Hidden Hills Golf and Country Club
A FRIEND sent me a story the other day, with a one sentence note: “Read until the very end.”
So I did. [Woman found dead on abandoned DeKalb Co. golf course identified, 11 Alive NBC, 6-30-17]:
DeKalb County police have identified the woman found shot, killed and dumped in a creek Wednesday.…

Evelyn Waugh’s Hard Line
There is much to be learned from Waugh’s (pictured) view of our civilization’s decline, even if we do not share his profound pessimism.
by Cholly Bilderberger
GIVEN THE BARRENNESS of our spiritual and psychological lives, it is startling how little resistance we offer. One would expect…

What Hath Man Wrought?
by Revilo P. Oliver
THE SUN is a sensation-mongering weekly, sold chiefly to sensation-hungry females in the dreary barns called ‘Supermarkets.’ Its issue for 13 August 1991 contains an article of considerable interest, based on an article in the British tabloid, Daily Star, which…

Suicide Rate Rising for White Americans
Death by drinking, drugs, and suicide are increasing among Whites as they lose their country, their culture, and their freedom — and send their children to die in alien-fomented wars
INTRODUCTION by John I. Johnson: Here are two reports, one from Marketwatch (focusing on middle-aged Whites)…

Playing It Safe
by Dr. William L. Pierce
THE PRESIDENT of New York’s Colgate University, Dr. George B. Cutten, gave an address to the Canadian Society of New York, the highlights of which were reported without editorial comment in the New York Times under the headline “Colgate’s Head Asserts…

Progressivism – The Truth After the Lie
PROGRESSIVISM is a leftist thought process implemented into society via media, academia, politics and entertainment. It desires a world with no white European people, no traditional families, no religion, no pride, and no identity. It promotes degeneracy, immorality, ugliness, miscegenation,…