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Voting Our Way Out
Click this picture for a high-resolution version that can be printed as a 10×3-inch bumper sticker. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 1 October, 2022 by Kevin Alfred Strom THE ANTI-WHITES…
Jews Demand Amnesty for Non-White Invaders in “Infrastructure” Bill
AMERICAN JEWRY is demanding the legalization of America’s large illegal alien population. 49 national and state-level Jewish racial advocacy groups sent a letter addressed to Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer yesterday instructing them to include a “pathway…
2020 Presidential Election Recap — Trump has No One to Blame but Himself
The 2020 U.S. presidential election has been a disaster of biblical proportions, an embarrassment even by the standards of a third world country, and although we can’t pronounce with certainty what exactly transpired state by state, it seems obvious to me and most other red-pilled Americans…
Elections, Lies, and Psychological Abuse
by David Sims THE DEMOCRATS cannot possibly win the 2020 presidential election fairly. They only have a chance if they cheat. How will they go about it? They will probably use Black Lives Matter (BLM), whose members will stand close about the voting places, claiming to be there to ensure “a free…
The Pritzkers and Transgenderism
IT SEEMS LIKE we woke up one day to find that, out of nowhere, distinguishing between male and female has become illegal. In defiance of intuition, common sense and 3rd grade biology, a number of liberal plutocracies like Canada and the United Kingdom have legislated to force-feed their subjects the…
Video of the Day — Judeo-Cucktianity Personified
Democratic presidential candidate and quasi-spiritual activist Marianne Williamson leads a solemn prayer of apology to Blacks on behalf of Whites for the history of American slavery. Williamson is the daughter of an immigration lawyer who’s original surname was Vishnevetsky. . . * * * Source:…
Trump Promotes Jewish “Jexodus” Group; Frames Politics Through Moral Imperative to Favor Jews
PRESIDENT TRUMP lobbed a new attack at Democrats he claims are ‘anti-Jewish’ and ‘anti-Israel’ on Tuesday morning, promoting a Jewish millennial group that’s pushing people to leave the party.…
CA Organizers Cancel Women’s March Due to “Overwhelmingly White” Participants
THE ABSOLUTE STATE of the Democratic Party. From ABC 7 WJLA, “California organizers cancel Women’s March due to ‘overwhelmingly white’ participants”:
The organizers of the annual Women’s March have decided not to hold a rally in Eureka on Jan. 19, as previously…
Voting Patterns of the Races in America, 1990-2018
We know that voting is not the solution, and that Republicans are not too different from the opposite of the solution. However, observations of how the races respond to the carefully crafted boob-bait fed them by the criminal parties and the criminal media shed light on the realities we face. by David…
Deep State Democrats
Introduction by John I. Johnson A while back I read a long, informative 3-part article on the World Socialist Web Site, an official publication of the Trotskyite Communist Fourth International, that was quite fascinating, the most significant parts of which are excerpted below. It reveals the extraordinarily…