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Interracially married, treasonous, irresponsible, incompetent by Michael Olanich THOSE WHO KNOW how corrupt US politics have become will not be surprised that someone like Bill de Blasio (pictured) was elected mayor of New York. His name was in the news after he proclaimed his support for Blacks…
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American Domestic and Foreign Policy, the Islamic State, and the Failure of US Democracy by Organon tou Ontos THE REDUCTION of European Americans to a minority in their own nation, the increasing loss of representation of white interests in American public and domestic life, and foreign entanglements…
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H. Millard

by H. Millard HOMELESS JACK says JEB Bush is the main presidential candidate of White genocide: “I’m gonna let the so-called intellectuals give you long columns on why JEB Bush is the main candidate and poster boy of White genocide, this year, man. And, no doubt, you’ll be seeing…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce A LOS ANGELES COUNTY Superior Court judge ruled last month that the so-called “Holocaust” — the alleged extermination of six million Jews by Germany’s National Socialist government during the Second World War — is a historical fact and “is not reasonably subject to dispute.”…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce I SPOKE recently with an Alliance member just back from a year in Zaire (the former Belgian Congo). He is a government scientist who is obliged to spend most of his time in rather odd places: African jungles, Arabian deserts, polar icecaps, and the like. While in Zaire he took advantage…
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Classic Essays

The Human Situation: Lectures at Santa Barbara, 1959, by Aldous Huxley, edited by Piero Ferrucci (Flamingo, paperback). reviewed by Nick Camerota BLOOD WILL TELL, says the old folk wisdom. Back in 1902, even the socialist H.G. Wells believed it. (In Anticipations, he held that the less advanced races,…
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This Asian author has hit upon the perennial truth that Ibsen expressed when he said that minorities are often right — and the majority is always wrong. by Winston Wu THERE IS A MYTH among the herd that loners are people without social skills. But this is just a copout excuse to ostracize others.…
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