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The Great God Democracy
American Dissident Voices broadcast of December 29, 2018 (the 27th anniversary of our show)
by Kevin Alfred Strom
I DON’T KNOW who made it, but there’s a great graphic (that looks like a panel from a comic book) that’s…

The National-Socialist Critique of Democracy
Chapter 4
Democracy or Leadership Translated by Hadding Scott from the 16th (1940) edition of Hansjoerg Maennel’s Politische Fibel DEMOCRACY IS THE DOCTRINE of the equality of all human beings and of the ability of all human beings to govern themselves. (Democracy, Greek = rule by the folk,…
Democracy or Leadership Translated by Hadding Scott from the 16th (1940) edition of Hansjoerg Maennel’s Politische Fibel DEMOCRACY IS THE DOCTRINE of the equality of all human beings and of the ability of all human beings to govern themselves. (Democracy, Greek = rule by the folk,…

The Fraud of Marxism
From Chapter 10 of Politische Fibel by Hansjoerg Maennel, 16th (1940) edition. Translated by Hadding Scott, 2011
Marxism or Nationalism
MARXISM STANDS FOR DEMOCRACY, the International, Pacifism, and the Class Struggle with the goal of the abolition of private ownership. The founder of this doctrine…

What Is Needed
American Dissident Voices broadcast of April 7, 2018
by Kevin Alfred Strom
LAST WEEK I talked to you about the onrushing “migrant caravan” heading to our country from Central America, and I introduced you to the idea of…

Shakespeare and Democracy: Our Culture is Not Being Passed On to Future Generations
by Dr. William L. Pierce
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE is out. Maya Angelou, Frantz Fanon, and W.E.B. DuBois are in. I’m talking about fashion at American universities.
There’s been some discussion in the mass media recently about the fact that American universities are phasing out Shakespeare…

Fighting Together for the Future: On Occupied Germany (1999)
by Dr. William L. Pierce
THIS WEEK I was in Germany. I was there to participate in a congress of the youth division of the National Democratic Party of Germany: the NPD. I had been invited to address the congress. Now, don’t let that word “democratic” in the name of the party fool you.…

By 2040, They Will Be Too Stupid to Stop Us
LIBERAL DEMOCRACY is ending with a collective whimper.
White liberals have no will to live, almost by definition, and thus no will to fight in a way that matters.
Liberal activism never actually does anything productive; it never builds anything. The best example of what liberals actually do, is the …

“Conspiracy Theory” or Conspiracy?
As of this writing, David Irving’s Web site,, has been intermittently up and down; we do not know the reason. This 2013 piece links to permanently archived versions of Irving’s site.
by Andrew Hamilton
WORLD WAR II historian David Irving maintains an exceptionally…

AS I PREPARE my remarks for today’s broadcast, last month’s presidential election is still just a bit up in the air, with the lawyers for both sides preparing for further court challenges, so it is remotely possible that the Democrats could take the White House away from the Republicans,…

The Revolt Against Civilization: The Menace of the Underman (Part 23)
As part of our commitment to the celebration of forgotten classics—i.e., great works of the past which have been intentionally flushed down the memory hole by our Orwellian overlords—National Vanguard is proud to present a condensed edition of Lothrop Stoddard’s pioneering treatise The Revolt…