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The Democratic Republic is Moribund
by Hadding Scott THE REAL “cradle of democracy” of course was Athens, Greece. That’s where it was invented. The judgment of educated Greeks about their democracy was not very positive. Alcibiades said, “Democracy is acknowledged folly.” Plato’s philosophy…

Democracy and Propaganda
Tore Tvedt by Dr. William L. Pierce I DO APPRECIATE the feedback I receive from listeners. They give me responses to my broadcasts and tell me about their own concerns and ideas, and they sometimes give me useful tips on news stories that I might not have learned about otherwise.
One thing that I’m…

Trump Blows Mandate to Enforce Immigration Law — Democratic Will of America Overruled — Historic Nation Sentenced to Death
Below are excerpts from an essay by Greg Johnson which argues that American White Nationalists should position ourselves as the real, uncompromised, unvarnished representatives of the National Populism that got Trump elected rather than personally declare war on Trump himself. While I don’t…

Democracy is a Kind of Death, part 6
by William Gayley Simpson WE TURN now to study the claims of the French revolutionists. These claims they undertook so to establish on abstract, innate, imprescriptible right that the zealot minds that follow them are rendered nearly impervious to evidence that their theories have failed in practice…

Democracy is a Kind of Death, part 5
by William Gayley Simpson THERE ARE TWO items in the record that might give the critic pause. One of these is the success of the United States. The other is French Revolutionary theory, which for the first time undertook to place its claims above the reach of any record and to found them on natural, inborn,…

Democracy is a Kind of Death, part 4
by William Gayley Simpson LET US BEGIN by looking at democracy’s record. The examples most commonly and confidently adduced are those of ancient Greece, and modern England, France, and the United States.
Yet the record need not detain us very long. In the case of Greece, it may be questioned whether…

Democracy is a Kind of Death, part 3
by William Gayley Simpson IT SHOULD BE clear that the primary object to be sought by every healthy society and to be conserved by every sound and responsible government is something very different from the materialistic absorption in raising the standard of living of the masses. To be sure, the welfare…

Democracy is a Kind of Death, part 2
by William Gayley Simpson ONE MAY well doubt whether there is anything I can add concerning the respective merits of democracy and aristocracy that has not already been said by Aristotle, Plato, and Confucius — by Lecky, Arnold, Stephen, Maine, Carlyle, Ruskin, Burke, and Nietzsche; by Mairet, Cram,…

Democracy is a Kind of Death, part 1
by William Gayley Simpson Historically speaking, I believe there was no nation that could ever subsist on Democracy. This lesson will have to be learned under penalties. England will either have to learn it, or England will cease to exist among nations. (Thomas Carlyle) There were three principles…

Political Outsiders Lack an Institutional Base
Inadvertently correct.
by Andrew Hamilton
MANY RACIALISTS believe that freedom of speech still exists and fundamental change in a positive direction can occur through the ballot box. Something, they feel, will wake people up and change things for the better. Rhodesians, South Africans, and many…
by Andrew Hamilton
MANY RACIALISTS believe that freedom of speech still exists and fundamental change in a positive direction can occur through the ballot box. Something, they feel, will wake people up and change things for the better. Rhodesians, South Africans, and many…