Posts Tagged
David Irving

The Lies About World War II
US President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in Casablanca, Morocco, January 22, 1943 Nothing is so little regarded in the West as free thought and truth. Explanations are controlled to advance the agendas of the ruling interest groups. by Paul Craig Roberts IN…

Thou Shalt Live on With Us
TYPICAL OF HIS S.A. foot soldiers was the young law student Horst Wessel, whose diary we now have. Aged just nineteen, he had joined the Party that autumn. ‘How I came to the National Socialists?’ he asked. ‘Out of disillusion really. My nationalist radicalism, or rather my radical nationalism had not…

“Conspiracy Theory” or Conspiracy?
As of this writing, David Irving’s Web site,, has been intermittently up and down; we do not know the reason. This 2013 piece links to permanently archived versions of Irving’s site. by Andrew Hamilton WORLD WAR II historian David Irving maintains an exceptionally…

Physician Extraordinary
by Revilo P. Oliver I HAVE JUST RECEIVED a copy of a book that I overlooked for years, although it should have particularly attracted my attention. It is Adolf Hitler: the Medical Diaries, the Private Diaries of Dr. Theo Morell, edited by David Irving (London, Sidgwick & Jackson, s.a., [c. 1983?]).…

Shielding Evil
by Dr. William L. Pierce THE HORROR in Rhodesia continues — the ethnic cleansing, the murder and rape and dispossession of the Whites there by the Blacks — and the media here continue to ignore what is happening there or to downplay it drastically, showing only happy mobs of Blacks chanting…

The Wilkomirski Affair: How a Holocaust Hoaxer Was Rewarded for His Lies
by Professor Arthur R. Butz, acclaimed author of The Hoax of the Twentieth Century THE STORY of the impostor “Binjamin Wilkomirski” has been generally well known for almost two years, but new revelations were coming out as late as last fall. I think there are some aspects of it that deserve added stress…

Jewish Holocaust or German Holocaust?
The Auschwitz gas chambers myth by Nicholas Kollerstrom, PhD AS SURPRISING as it may sound, the only intentional mass extermination program in the concentration camps of WW2 was targeted at Germans. From April, 1945 five million Germans were rounded up after surrendering, and deliberately starved…

Dresden: A Real Holocaust
American Dissident Voices broadcast of February 13, 2016 by Kevin Alfred Strom EVERY FEBRUARY 13 and 14, we remember the Holocaust of Dresden. Yesterday, I received a letter from a listener, J.B. in Great Britain, who has written a poem…

David Irving’s Make-Up-Your-Own-Mind History Tours Spark Outrage from Jews
WORLD-REKNOWNED historian and writer David Irving is causing yet another serious stir — this time by leading exclusive tours of concentration camps. (ILLUSTRATION: David Irving) The controversial historian is charging participants around $3,000 each for a sweeping tour of Poland and Latvia, …

David Irving: “I’m not an anti-Semite — yet”
“The Jews should ask, Why us? Maybe it’s how they have acted over the thousands of years. Maybe it is all our fault,” Irving tells ‘Post’ from Latvia, where he is touring death camps.
DAVID IRVING, a “convicted British Holocaust denier,” is currently leading…