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Washington Regime Hoping to Cripple ‘Proof of Work’ Mining
Proof of Work is the world’s best network security system and has the potential to set people free from Jewish banking; Proof of Stake just means ever-increasing control by the rich. The excuse they will use to try to re-enslave us is that Proof of Work ‘uses too much energy’ and is …

Four in Every 100 Americans Have Quit their Jobs Because of Crypto Gains
SCIENCE/TECH NEWS SITE Civic Science is downplaying the numbers, perhaps even ridiculously so, but they recently published poll results showing that fully 4% of Americans have quit their jobs over the last year due to “financial freedom earned by investing in cryptocurrency” and…

ESG and You
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 19 June, 2021 2021-0619 ESG and You.mp3 by Kevin Alfred Strom LAST WEEK I spoke to you about the anti-White hatred that culminated in the slaughter of every last White man, woman, and child in the country of…

A Dissident’s Guide to Cryptocurrency
WITH VARIOUS tech and financial companies cracking down on dissident voices, it is becoming more important than ever to support the leaders and organizations who are working to save our people. They are making the necessary personal sacrifices that the rest of us cannot afford to make. They need our…