Posts Tagged
Corporate America

Postmates Shamelessly Broadcasts Cartoon Advertisement Promoting Anal Sex to Children
by Dissident Millennial
I THOUGHT I was cynical enough that nothing could surprise me anymore, that America couldn’t sink any further into the gutter. Thus, when I came across a post this morning on the Daily Stormer titled “Food Delivery Company Releases Children’s PSA on How…

HR Managers and College Professors Paying Antifa to Attack Trump Supporters Saturday
PAYPAL, Venmo and CashApp are allowing anarchists to raise money for transportation and riot equipment to attack the “Million MAGA March” in Washington, DC this Saturday, National Justice reports. Kai Breaux, a gender studies professor at Stony Brook University, collects the money…

Orwell Alert: A Picture that Says a Thousand Words — “Life in Occupied America”
Immigrants have over 50 percent of the jobs in Silicon Valley requiring at least a bachelor’s degree. . .
. . . Which is why America needs more immigrants! (((Oligarchs))) and foreign scab laborers of the world, unite!
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Source: Dissident Millennial (H/T Chateau Heartiste)…