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THIS OUTLINE is based on there being three tiers of coronavirus: no treatment, protective treatment, necessary treatment. (All of this is assuming that some combination of anti-malarial and antibiotics (or something else) provides a near-term successful treatment.) Coronavirus (Covid-19)…
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ADL boss Jonathan Greenblatt WHEN I think of “essential” workers in America, the smear merchants of the Anti-Defamation League are at the bottom of the barrel. For decades, they’ve demonized racially-conscious Whites as agents of “hate” and treated our very existence as “incitements to violence.”…
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by Patricia Tellbury “Viruses have no nationality, but every White child should feel guilty because Indians died of smallpox hundreds of years ago.” — G. Brannon HERE’S SOME useful advice for staying healthy amidst the chaos and death and sickness and fear. We need National…
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American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadio

Two ICU professionals comfort one another in a hospital in Cremona, Italy last week. One nurse in Bergamo stated, “I have never seen so many people die together before my eyes.” American Dissident Voices broadcast of 21 March, 2020…
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by Giuseppe Furioso and G. Michael Burns THE CURRENT Washington strategy of dealing with the coronavirus is to try and “flatten the curve” — i.e., stretch out the number of those infected so as not to overwhelm the medical system. This approach will not reduce the number of cases…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims Coronavirus update, 0h UTC 17 March 2020. THE cumulative number of known cases outside China is 101,324. The rise in the cumulative number of known cases outside China during the past two days is 25,670 (or 12,835 new cases per day). The doubling time for the cumulative number of known cases…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims THE CORONAVIRUS was first brought to Italy by a Pakistani migrant who worked at a Chinese restaurant. He served food to customers, and he made home deliveries, spreading COVID-19 everywhere he went. When his infection was discovered, the Italian civil authorities asked him to self-isolate.…
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