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Israel’s Jerusalem Post newspaper reported yesterday: “US Department of Defense give 1 million masks to IDF for coronavirus use” The story reported: “A plane carrying over a million surgical masks for the IDF landed in Ben-Gurion airport Tuesday night, in an operation ran by the US Department of Defense’s…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims THERE APPEAR to have been more asymptomatic to mild cases of COVID-19 than anyone previously imagined. On 31 December, I began to have a dry cough. In early January, I had what, at the time, I believed to be an unusually severe chest cold, with sinus congestion developing a little later. When…
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BROOKLYN’S largest hospital, Maimonides Medical Center, is officially non-sectarian and supposed to serve all New Yorkers equally, Jews and non-Jews alike. According to new reports, this is about to change. The potential ventilator shortage in COVID-19 ridden New York has led to hospitals…
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David SimsEssays

Coronavirus shows the state-sponsored corporate capitalist West the error of Its ways by David Sims THE SARS-Cov2-19 pandemic has, or by now should have, taught the capitalist West a lesson about its unwise business model, which was designed for maximum short-term profits, but which was always rickety,…
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THE FEDERAL RESERVE recently announced a $1.5 trillion dollar coronavirus “stimulus” package, $500 billion of which will go to incentivize banks to keep lending.  Another maneuver, cutting Federal Reserve interest rates from an already low amount to effectively 0%, means big banks…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims Coronavirus Update, 0h UTC 3 April 2020 AS OF YESTERDAY, the reported number of coronavirus cases worldwide has surpassed 1,000,000. US cases: The number of coronavirus cases in the United States is 244,254, a rise of 32,556 in the past 24 hours. The daily percentage increase in coronavirus…
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WHILE CHINA blames the US government for the coronavirus, Jewish organizations and the FBI are busy seeding paranoid hoaxes against their national enemy: politically active White men in America. According to an FBI report cited by World Jewish Congress head Ronald Lauder, bands of “white…
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News ACCORDING TO Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner, speaking at a news conference on Sunday, the way to deal with the spread of COVID19 is to politely ask criminals to wait until the virus crisis is over to resume their…
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IT’S GETTING BAD in the North American Economic Zone, so bad that problems like “racism” and “actually arresting negro criminals” are really starting to get out of hand. For whatever reason, creating a Zionist Tower of Babel to reach up to Moloch has failed to instill…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims THE cumulative number of known cases outside China is 383,818. The rise in the cumulative number of known cases outside China during the past 24 hours is 47,326. The number of coronavirus deaths outside China is 17,829. The daily rise in the number of known cases worldwide is 1.14 times what…
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