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David SimsEssays

Pelosi The zoo in Washington, and we don’t mean the one with bears and lions in it, provides endless comedy relief. by David Sims NANCY Pelosi, while in San Francisco, got a haircut inside a hair salon that was supposed to be in lockdown, according to California laws. Evidently considering herself…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims IT NOW seems that the Chinese government was partly correct to blame the novel coronavirus on the United States’ military-industrial complex. The earliest work on an artificially altered coronavirus took place in US academic and research institutions, such as Harvard, Emory,…
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David SimsEssaysVideo

Watch the first part of this video, at least: It is absolutely chilling to hear the exact same phrases — clearly written or suggested by the same undisclosed source — coming out of the mouths of multiple “world leaders,” all of them hinting at a mandatory vaccine to come. by…
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THIS coronavirus pandemic needs to be kept in perspective. The tribe in particular has a virulent need to Jewsplain. Why Trump’s ‘foreign virus’ speech is as dangerous as coronavirus itself, by Aviya Kushner, The Forward, 12 March 2020: “This is the most aggressive and comprehensive effort to confront…
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AUSTRALIANS have always enjoyed, a laid-back easygoing lifestyle. Ozzies themselves were independent-minded and freedom-loving. Which makes Melbourne’s draconian reaction to the Covid plandemic the stuff of nightmares, medical martial law. Right now there’s an 8.00 pm curfew,…
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David SimsEssays

There is still a risk from this virus, but is it being exaggerated and used to impose arbitrary regulation and control? And the suggestion that “treatment” that causes sterility and feminization in men might be effective is truly frightening. by David Sims AS MARK TWAIN said, it’s…
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Bring us your rich, vibrant diseases, your genius genes, your profound kindness, your deep philosophy. The same thing happened in Lewiston, Maine. Somali influx — American kids died. No one would admit where the meningitis came from. I still remember an article about a little White girl who
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Insolvent Wall Street banks have been quietly bailed out again. Banks made risk-free by the government should be public utilities. WHEN THE Dodd Frank Act was passed in 2010, President Obama triumphantly declared, “No more bailouts!” But what the Act actually said was that the next time the banks failed,…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims THE CHINESE Communist Party isn’t the only group to bear blame for the coronavirus pandemic. It is, rather, one of a number of blameworthy groups. These days, we all have subscriptions to cyber security services, which claim to protect us from computer viruses, of which there are…
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by Richard Houck CORONAVIRUS, or COVID-19, the virus which originated in China, has now swept the globe. People are sick, many have died, there is widespread panic, entire nations have been shut down, and daily life has been disrupted virtually everywhere at this point. The virus is both more infectious…
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