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The Eight Traditional European Celebrations of the Seasons
The Wheel of the Year: A look into Europe’s ancient traditions and myths, that illuminate her time-honored values.
by Frank Jamger
INDIGENOUS EUROPEANS traditionally celebrate eight holidays whose dates are set by significant positions of the Earth as it revolves around the Sun. These positions…

Our Evolutionary Morality
American Dissident Voices broadcast of July 14, 2018
This week we revisit a classic ADV program that goes to the core of why we fight for White survival.
by Kevin Alfred Strom
TO CREATE AND PROPAGATE a true and unshakable moral basis for the…

July 4th: A Sham and a Lie
American Dissident Voices broadcast of July 4, 2015
by Kevin Alfred Strom
IT’S JULY 4th again — so-called Independence Day. The day we watch the Chinese fireworks and eat the carcinogenic hot dogs and get drunk out of our minds…

Lack-of-Independence Day
American Dissident Voices broadcast of July 5, 2014
by Kevin Alfred Strom
HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY. I’m a positive person, and there is hope, so I kept the “happy” in there — even though there’s a lot…

Remember the Liberty!
by Kevin Alfred Strom
TODAY is the 51st anniversary of the murder and maiming by the Jewish state of Israel of 205 American sailors on board the USS Liberty, a US Navy radio intelligence monitoring ship in the eastern Mediterranean. The goal of the Jews was to kill every American on board and then blame…

The ‘Good War’ Myth of World War Two
by Mark Weber
WORLD WAR II was not only the greatest military conflict in history, it was also America’s most important twentieth-century war. It brought profound and permanent social, governmental and cultural changes in the United States, and has had a great impact on how Americans regard…

1944: US Normandy Invasion was “Tsunami of Lust”
Upon the occupation of France by American soldiers, French women had much to fear as large numbers of rapes and other terrible crimes were committed across the country.
by Mathieu von Rohr
AN IMPORTANT BOOK shows us that the “liberators” made a lot of noise and drank too much. They raced…

Taking Memorial Day Seriously
A classic essay by Kevin Alfred Strom; Americans should never again be asked to die in wars fought against our own interests.
by Kevin Alfred Strom
I THINK THAT MOST Americans have forgotten what Memorial Day is all about. It is now usually thought of as “Memorial Day Weekend,” and like so…

Dresden: A Real Holocaust
An American Dissident Voices classic broadcast
by Kevin Alfred Strom
EVERY FEBRUARY, we remember the Holocaust of Dresden.
Yesterday, I received a letter from a listener, J.B. in Great Britain, who has written a poem about that day…

The Blood of Dresden
Following is an extract from Armageddon in Retrospect in which the author describes the scenes of obscene brutality he witnessed as a prisoner of war in Dresden, and which inspired his classic novel Slaughterhouse-Five.
by Kurt Vonnegut (pictured)
IT WAS A routine speech we got during our first day…