Posts Tagged
Colin Jordan

Colin Jordan’s Trafalgar Square Speech
British National Socialist leader Colin Jordan delivering this speech in Trafalgar Square, 1962. PRESENTED HERE is the greater part of Colin Jordan’s speech to the huge National Socialist Movement (NSM; no connection to the later American group using the same name) meeting of 5,000 people in Trafalgar…

National Socialism: World Creed for the Future
by Colin Jordan WITH THE gigantic catastrophe of 1945, the greatest setback to human evolution in recorded history, still close behind us, its chilling and choking memory still omnipresent, and before us difficulties and disadvantages so gigantic as to deny us any immediate or early prospect of gaining…

Colin Jordan on Building National Socialism Now
by Colin Jordan Editor’s note: The following is excerpted from Colin Jordan’s essay, “National Socialism: World Creed for the Future,” first published in The National Socialist, Number 3 (Winter 1981). WITH THE gigantic tragedy of 1945, the greatest setback to human evolution in recorded history,…

Turning Disappointment to Advantage
by Mike Walsh WHEN INVITED to address the prestigious London Forum event due to be held in Central London on July 2nd a variety of reasons precluded my being there. It was regrettable but unavoidable. Here was opportunity — a rare chance to meet old comrades and new. Set against such a wonderful…

Book Review of ’Twaz a Good Fight! The Life of Colin Jordan
’Twaz a Good Fight! The Life of Colin Jordan by Stephen L. Frost, MA. N.S. Press, P.O. Box 6, WF16 OXF, West Yorkshire, Heckmondwike, UK. Published 2014. Trade paperback, 336 pp., 28 photographs, appendix. The following is an expanded version of a review that appears in the May-June, 2015, issue of …