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Douglas MercerEssays

by Douglas Mercer WHEN THE epitaph of America is written it will say that this was a people who loved freedom but who loved cheap labor more. Sam Dickson has said that, growing up in the South, he revered the antebellum leadership class, but that as he grew older he saw them in the same light as the capitalists…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims CNN HAS been lying, again. CNN seems to think that the question of whether voter fraud happened can be settled by asking the people who would have been involved in that fraud if indeed it did happen. Ha! And, judging by the available evidence, voter fraud did happen. The race for the presidency…
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Jared Taylor on CNN’s “The State of Hate” In April, CNN asked me for an interview with one of its hosts, Fareed Zakaria, as part of an hour-long program on “white nationalism.” I was reluctant. Programs of this kind don’t try to understand why people become “white nationalists.”…
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The ADL’s George Selim, who claims to be “Arab-American.” by Chris Rossetti and National Vanguard correspondents GEORGE SELIM is head of the “Center on Extremism” at the organized crime-linked ADL, a Jewish pressure and smear group. Selim also oversees the ADL’s…
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IsraelJewish Lobby

Israel is Bad for America A New York Times Columnist explains why by Philip Giraldi AMERICAN JOURNALISM has become in its mainstream exponents a compendium of half-truths and out-and-out lies. The public, though poorly informed on most issues as a result, has generally figured out that it is being…
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by Dissident Millennial JUST WHEN YOU THINK today’s multicultural clown show can’t get possibly get any dumber, the regime’s affirmative-action cry-babies and self-appointed commissars up the ante once more. This time it’s over an image posted online of Wisconsin high…
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THIS is CNN. Ian Kerner wrote Thursday on (CNN) – In our current political climate, the term “cuck” — short for “cuckservative” — has become an insult of the so-called alt-right, aimed at men they view as spineless and emasculated. The slur…
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Behold the state of Jewish television. Question: What do CNN professionals lose their shit over? (A) The mass, state-sanctioned rape of Europe by Muslim colonists? (B) The unprecedented corporate assault on freedom of speech throughout the West? . . . or (C) An asinine comment about a man liking boobs?…
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EssaysHadding Scott

by Hadding Scott RECENTLY it was revealed by Project Veritas, in a (covertly recorded) conversation with CNN’s supervising producer John Bonifield, that CNN has been perpetuating for most of a year now the story of Russian meddling in the American presidential election knowing full well that…
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JAMES O’KEEFE of Project Veritas (pictured) is set to unleash “holy hell” Thursday on #FakeNews network CNN. Well, he didn’t exactly say it was CNN, but it was heavily implied. Apparently the network has a mole… O’Keefe is known for undercover sting operations…
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