Posts Tagged
Civil Rights Movement

Jewish Morality
Jews march with Black “voting rights” protesters during the 1960s: The “civil rights” movement, like today’s “Black Lives Matter” movement, was to a large extent a Jewish-directed phenomenon. by Douglas Mercer WHEN A JEW SPEAKS of morality, and you…

Jewish Activists and White Institutions
WE WILL BEGIN with two facts. First, the average IQ of African-Americans is 85, and secondly, the average IQ of sub-Saharan Africans is 70. If we take the average ‘White’ IQ to be 100, then Whites are vastly more intelligent than Africans. So, how did Blacks overthrow the racial dominance…

Black People in America — and the Misnamed “Civil Rights Movement”
by Stephen Contrado WHITE PEOPLE have been supremely generous to the Negroes. They have raised Blacks from savage tribal conditions to civilization, but history does not record the kindness. Instead, historians use the relative concepts of “slavery” and “racism” out of historic context and use…

Was the Civil Rights Movement Opposed to Identity Politics? Balderdash!
by Hadding Scott THE SELF-PROCLAIMED conservatives of the Republican Party have a sickening tendency to try to minimize controversy by not challenging the sacred cows that the anti-White left sets up for us all. Thus we hear, for example, Rush Limbaugh speaking in reverential tones of “Dr.…

Remembering Martin Luther King, Jr.
Martin Luther King marching with Rabbi Abraham Heschel at a Vietnam War protest in Washington, DC in 1968. by Richard Houck THERE ARE FEW displays of ethnomasochism and xenophilia more perverse than that of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day — a day in January when White and Black alike are meant to remember…

National Association for the Advancement of Kosher People
JEWS HAVE BEEN an instrumental force in organizing African Americans as a political force that ended up serving Jewish interests by diluting the political power and cultural hegemony of White Americans. As mentioned previously in my Culture of Critique series, Jews do not fare well in ethnically…

Google: More Millions to Push Multiracialism
Jewish-owned and -controlled Google promotes massive transfer of wealth and resources away from Whites and to non-Whites; funds erection of “civil rights monuments” even as monuments of America’s White heritage are being removed or defaced. GOOGLE PLEDGED $2 million to…

Martin Luther King: Damaged Beyond Repair
by David Sims I’VE BEEN SEEING, here and there on the Web, attempts at repairing the reputation of Martin Luther King, Jr., by refuting well-known criticism about him for plagiarism, for adultery, for stealing, and for consorting with communists during the Cold War. These efforts involve quite…

My Political Education
by Kevin Alfred Strom (pictured) I WAS BORN on a Summer morning in 1956, in Anchorage, Territory of Alaska. My parents had moved to Alaska some five years earlier, shortly after they were married, since that was where my father, an Air Force Master Sergeant, was assigned. I was my parent’s first child.…

Shelley v. Kraemer: The Case That Started White Flight
AS MANY OF America’s largest cities sink into a slough of desolation, crime and vandalism, it might be instructive to look for causes in the dusty files of a long forgotten court case. Prior to 1958 deeds to desirable real property generally included a clause or covenant restricting the sale of…