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THE JULIAN ASSANGE drama drags on. Though he continues to sit in a top security British prison awaiting developments in his expected extradition to the United States, the Spanish High Court has been given permission to interview him. Assange is claiming that the Spanish company contracted with by…
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Introduction by John I. Johnson A while back I read a long, informative 3-part article on the World Socialist Web Site, an official publication of the Trotskyite Communist Fourth International, that was quite fascinating, the most significant parts of which are excerpted below. It reveals the extraordinarily…
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These massively and secretly funded agencies also infiltrate and control elements among racialists and every other social movement of significance. IN MAY of 1967, a former CIA officer named Tom Braden published a confession in the Saturday Evening Post under the headline, “I’m glad the CIA is ‘immoral.’”…
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Recent events in Washington have also shown us that the CIA is in opposition to even mild civic nationalism. It now seems very unlikely that there is a White, patriotic, racially-conscious faction there. WIKILEAKS’ Vault 7 release of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) documents yesterday opened…
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by Ray McGovern IN DEPICTING National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden as a Russian spy, author Edward Jay Epstein acknowledges his debt to the CIA’s famously paranoid counterintelligence chief James Jesus Angleton, who specialized in counterintuitive thinking that surely smeared…
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by Hadding Scott UDO ULFKOTTE, a former editor (until 2003) of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung who revealed in his 2014 book Gekaufte Journalisten (to be published in translation later this year as Journalists for Hire: How the CIA Buys the News) was found dead a few days short of his 57th birthday,…
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EssaysHadding Scott by Hadding Scott THE CIA does not vouch for the accusation that the Russian government was responsible for the disclosures of email messages among high-level Democrats, which are thought to have eroded some of Hillary Clinton’s support.…
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INTRODUCTION: Donald Trump has now named former Bill Clinton CIA director and extremist neoconservative James Woolsey (pictured) as his “senior adviser on national security issues.” The oddest aspect of this is perhaps that Woolsey, who departed the CIA back in 1995, continued on…
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by Russ Winter I DON’T REALLY believe Donald Trump can be accused of not being transparent in terms of who is and what he’s all about. The inconvenient truths have been on the record for anybody to see for some time now. Instead, his supporters and the new so-called alt-right media have built a reassuring…
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EssaysHadding Scott

Who invented the term “conspiracy theory”? Why are conspiracy theories disreputable? Are bizarre, incredible conspiracy theories purposely planted among patriots by Jews? by Hadding Scott WHO MADE conspiracy theories disreputable? Hint: it was not the CIA. In recent years I have…
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