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Why Europeans Must Reject Christianity: Part I
(second part here) by Ferdinand Bardamu
Introduction IF ALL WESTERN SCIENCE and technology were to disappear overnight, the church would not be affected in the slightest; what matters is that the preaching of the gospel continues without pause, nothing else. Christianity and racialism are fundamentally…

The Church Has Been The Great Enemy Of Life
by Willian Gayley Simpson
from Which Way Western Man? AND THIS IS the worst of the matter. The worst is not that the Church has perpetrated upon mankind a pious hoax, and turned the life and teaching of Jesus into a piece of hocus-pocus, an imaginary transaction to counteract imaginary sin to get people…
from Which Way Western Man? AND THIS IS the worst of the matter. The worst is not that the Church has perpetrated upon mankind a pious hoax, and turned the life and teaching of Jesus into a piece of hocus-pocus, an imaginary transaction to counteract imaginary sin to get people…

Varg Vikernes to Amerindians: It Wasn’t the White Man Who Destroyed You — It Was the Christian Man
THERE IS MUCH that Mr. Vikernes says that is thought-provoking and worth listening to — and some we disagree with, too. But he has a powerful, succinct way of making his points and many of his works, including this one, help us see things in a new way. These related videos on the same general topic…

Theological Thinking
by Brian Boru THE HUMAN MIND is a wondrous thing. Some weeks ago I had the experience of lending to a friend of mine, for his perusal, a recent issue of Liberty Bell magazine. Two days ago (I am writing this on the evening of 29 December 1986) he returned the extra copy to me, and we had a little time to discuss…

High-Speed Holiness
by Revilo P. Oliver IF YOU ARE A Christian — well, if you are, I can’t imagine why you are reading Liberty Bell unless you have a touch of the masochism celebrated in the tales about martyrs, but whatever your reason, you must be secure in an unsinkable Faith, so I will bring you tidings of great…

The Piltdown Forgery
by Revilo P. Oliver THE RENEGADE TECHNICIANS who call themselves “creation scientists” constantly scrounge about, trying to devise arguments to impair the validity of the doctrine of biological evolution, the only plausible explanation of the existence of animal life, including…

Revamped Liberty
by Revilo P. Oliver IN THE 1920s, the Chicago Tribune, then an American newspaper, decided to found a magazine that would compete with Collier’s, The American, and similar popular journals. A contest to name the new publication was won by a man who suggested ‘Liberty.’ The periodical…

The Greatest Holocaust the World Has Ever Seen
by Revilo P. Oliver I DO NOT APOLOGIZE for the amount of space that I devote in these pages to Christianity. It is one of the cardinal facts with which we must deal, as crucial as such menaces as the Federal Reserve or the current antics of our rulers in the District of Corruption. A very large part of the American…

Chrétien Malgré Lui
The title is translated “Christian despite himself.” by Revilo P. Oliver I HAVE RECEIVED a photocopy of a little book that is more informative than its author knew. The typography suggests that The Call of Our Ancient Nordic Religion was first published anonymously in Australia, s.l.&a…

The Battle of Armageddon and Other Hallucinations
by Revilo P. Oliver AN ADVERTISEMENT in the Seattle Times (28 December 1985) urged the readers of that newspaper to view, over a local television station that evening, a cinema produced by one Morris Cerullo, who comes “direct from Israel” as an “end-time prophet of God.”…