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Reflections on the Christ Myth, part 4: The New Age
by Revilo P. Oliver WE HAVE ALSO reached the beginning of the historical era established by a Scythian monk who had come to Rome, Dionysius Exiguus, c. A.D. 540. According to his calculations, the supposed birth of Jesus marked the beginning of the First Century (28) in the era now in common use.
Mr Carter…
Mr Carter…

Reflections on the Christ Myth, part 3: Heroic Failure
Antiochus IV Epiphanes and the Seleucid Empire by Revilo P. Oliver
IT IS THE great virtue of Mr. Carter’s book that he forces us to consider critically a Jewish and Christian generalization about the history of Judaea in the second century B.C He makes us aware that it is highly probable that, besides…
IT IS THE great virtue of Mr. Carter’s book that he forces us to consider critically a Jewish and Christian generalization about the history of Judaea in the second century B.C He makes us aware that it is highly probable that, besides…

Our Boob Hatcheries
by Revilo P. Oliver THE WINTER issue of the Skeptical Inquirer reports, without skepticism, the findings of a Gallup poll, which has no apparent political implications and may be accepted with only the usual formal reservation about the selection of samples and techniques of interrogation. A total…

The Christian Patriot Question
by Fritz Maes THIS ARTICLE is really about questions for what I call patriotards — rather than questions for us about them. Every American Christian patriot, who values his integrity and honesty, must ask himself one hard, cold, paradoxical, and (in terms of his own current belief system) unsolvable…

Cucktianity: Enrich the Faith
The facial expression of the lone young White sums it all up. WE LIVE in a chaotic world, but there are still many events that occur with clockwork regularity, giving us a sense of continuity and comfort even with the sky falling from a deadly “pandemic” and Whites officially becoming the…

The Great Booby-Hatch
by Revilo P. Oliver A FEEBLE-MINDED Englishman named Paul Chadeyron was educated in one of England’s famous public schools (not Eton or Harrow, but a lesser one), went to Cambridge, one of the most highly reputed universities in the world, and obtained an honorable degree in law. He became,…

Shofars for Trump: Christians Who Think They’re Jews
Just when you think they can’t possibly get any crazier, the Christian Right proves you wrong again. IN THE MIDST of the January 6 protests, a series of images emerged showing supporters of President Trump in Washington, DC, blowing shofars. The image was befuddling to many, especially since…

Evangel for Bibliophiles; Ten Percent Nordic
by Revilo P. Oliver IF YOU like to collect odd books, you may look forward to acquiring a real curio, a polychrome “New Testament.” According to Christian News, a consortium of “Bible scholars” is now going through the five hundred or so statements attributed to Jesus ben…

An Answer to Rev. Dr. John C. Dorhauer’s “Open Letter to White Men in America”
by David Sims Dorhauer: “Dear white men,” Me: “Yes?” Dorhauer: “You are persons of privilege.” Me: “We are not. Since you think that we are, you should identify the source of those privileges. Who’s privileging White people? Other than us, I mean.…

On the Cusp
Famed conservative Christian CEO of Chick-fil-A, Dan Cathy, bows down and wipes the feet of a Black rapper to “atone for White racism.” American Dissident Voices broadcast of 20 June, 2020 2020-0620 – On the Cusp.mp3 by Kevin…