Posts Tagged
Cholly Bilderberger
Science Book Proves Racism Is Wrong: Primates and Prejudice
by Cholly Bilderberger (1980) DR. THOMAS BRADFORD SALTONSTALL, head of the Greater Primates Training Center, at Stanford University, has finally announced the imminent publication of Primates and Prejudice, and it is evidently the blockbuster which the scientific world has been awaiting for…
Loving the Blacks, and Loving the Jews More
The pathetic self-hate of the old American elite started early, as this 1980 satire makes clear. by Cholly Bilderberger BOOK-IN-SEARCH-OF-AN-AUTHOR (AND A PUBLISHER): Scion of a leading family somewhere on the Eastern Seaboard, Bannister Trumbull is troubled through his years at Groton and Harvard…
Goldburgle! the Musical
by Cholly Bilderberger (1980) A MUSICAL-YOU’VE-ALWAYS-WANTED-TO-SEE-BUT-HAVE-DESPAIRED-OF-FINDING-ON-BROADWAY: “Goldburgle!”, a tender allegory on the racial issue. Excitingly contemporary but with some very novel twists, this is the wonderfully real story of the…
The Non-Human Nature of the Jew
by Cholly Bilderberger ONCE THE RIGHT questions are asked, the answers will come, sooner or later. But if the right questions are not asked, the answers will never come. The questions in this case concern the Jew, and are basically esthetic and instinctive, as, indeed, all racial questions are. It is…
The Total Collapse of America’s Anglo-Saxon Ruling Class, part 4: The Carers
As our world implodes, what can be done by caring White men and women? Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 by Cholly Bilderberger THE PRECEDING COLUMN dealt with the situation in America and ended with this sentence: “In the next, and last, column in this series, I shall outline my notion of what any American…
Palm Beach: White Retreat, Jewish Takeover
by Cholly Bilderberger ONE UPON A TIME there was a place called Palm Beach. It filled a very important function in American life by making it possible for the newly rich to obtain instant social position. Consider Josh Cosden, a onetime streetcar conductor from Baltimore who made his fortune in Oklahoma…
White Cowardice
by Cholly Bilderberger IN Bonn in 1978, at the height of the Jewish “dissident” noise in the USSR, an exasperated White reporter, in private conversation with a few other non-Jews, forgot his place to the extent of asking the following excited questions: Is there any doubt in your minds…
Sutter Lang: Defeating the Hypnotists, part 2
by Cholly Bilderberger (read part 1) TO PROVE HIS THEORY that only Jews can undo the hypnotic spell which they have laid upon the whites, and that they could be induced to do so only if shown a higher vision for themselves, Sutter Lang had to go into laboratory experimentation. “I understand what…
Sutter Lang: Defeating the Hypnotists
by Cholly Bilderberger SUTTER LANG’S life is not all Sturm und Drang. He also spends considerable time in solitary reflection, and, on occasion, shares his thoughts. For instance, only last week he said to me, “I have been working on a solution to the entire racial problem.” “Tell…
Network Television: How Far Can They Go?
Here’s a classic satirical look at the network TV schedule a quarter century ago. Except for the names, things haven’t changed much, have they? Let’s petition for reruns of these “classics.” by Cholly Bilderberger HERE’S A VERY INSIDE peek at coming attractions…