Posts Tagged

Child Molestation

Classic EssaysRevilo P. Oliver

by Revilo P. Oliver A READER of Liberty Bell has sent me, apropos of my article on the sexual molestation of children in the August issue, a copy of the November 1991 issue of Inside News, a periodical published in Australia (P.O. Box 311, Maleny, Queensland, 4552). That issue is devoted to describing…
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David SimsEssaysNews

by David Sims IN THE United Kingdom, Pakistani rape-gang members are permitted to molest British children, while the police busy themselves with harassing White people who go on “unnecessary” walks by themselves. In the United States, murderers are released from prisons while moms…
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Finally, some actual journalism from a major newspaper, the Miami Herald. The headline is ours, the article is an excerpt of theirs. Our commentary is interspersed below. A DECADE before #MeToo, a multimillionaire sex offender from Florida got the ultimate break. On a muggy October morning in 2007,…
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by David Sims CHILD MOLESTERS come in both sexes. They aren’t all men. About 10% of them are females. Some estimates go higher on the theory that the sexual abuse of children can be disguised as care-giving. Marion Zimmer Bradley, famous for her science-fiction novels, was also a blatant and violent…
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AN OUTDOOR swimming pool in Austria has banned refugees after a 13-year-old girl told police that a man followed her into the women’s dressing room and sexually molested her. Operators of the pool in the town of Mistelbach, about 100 kilometers (60 miles) northwest of Vienna, have erected signs…
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The Jewish-dominated film industry is said to be sheltering around “100 active abusers” and is covering up a seedy underbelly full of predatory “vipers.” ELIJAH WOOD, 35, (pictured) claims that Hollywood has its own Jimmy Savile scandal and believes young actors are being…
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Jewish school officials helped Malka Leifer flee Australia for Israel, where “panic attacks” supposedly prevent her extradition; many Jews believe fellow Jews should never be turned over to Gentile authorities, no matter what the crime. MALKA LEIFER, wanted in Australia for 74 counts…
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FORMER Subway pitchman Jared Fogle once tried to persuade a journalist to put hidden cameras in her young children’s rooms, according to the woman’s claims. (ILLUSTRATION: Jared Fogle exits a courthouse in Indianapolis on Tuesday.) “I had two young children at the time, and…
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FORMER SUBWAY sandwich spokesman Jared Fogle (pictured) appears to admit in a text messsage to paying a 16-year-old girl $100 for sex, it was reported Friday. The Business Insider website says the FBI subpoenaed an affidavit containing texts between Fogle and a former female Subway franchisee who…
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Investigation suggests MI5, CIA, Mossad, Rothschild involvement; politicians became blackmailable and controllable through involvement in perversion and subsequent threats of selective exposure — but can we trust the government inquiry? THERE CAN BE little doubt that there have been…
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