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Virginia: Charlottesville Court Staff Heavily Infiltrated by Anti-Whites
Staff of judge who is ruling on politicized lawsuit against Jason Kessler is honeycombed with close associates of antifa terrorists and leftist, anti-White Jews. In how many other cities has this pattern been repeated? NEW INFORMATION uncovered by Jason Kessler reveals that the judiciary clerks…

Thomas Jefferson Does Not Reflect Virginia’s Values
THE City of Charlottesville, Virginia used to be known as the home city of Thomas Jefferson, one of America’s Founding Fathers who planted the evil seeds of racism and his seed in the enslaved Nubian Princess Sally Hemings. Not to mention one of the Founders of White supremacy, White hegemony, and White…

Threatening to Kill James Fields
Slated to die. by Andrew Hamilton MANY Whites were victimized by the massive witch hunt and censorship that followed the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville in 2017. The major scapegoat was James Alex Fields, whose Dodge Challenger ran into a crowd of government protestors, killing one and injuring…

A Closer Look at the Three White Men Who Are the Latest Victims of Federal Injustice in Charlottesville
by Robert Rundo A HANDFUL OF M80s get hurled onto your side of the demonstration. An older woman waving an American flag crashes into you as she jumps back in panic as one explodes by her feet. The cops with all their latest safety pads and shields begin to clear out, letting the two sides face off. Everyone’s…

Charlottesville Sentencing Today: Four Young Patriots to Be Crucified for the Crime of Free Speech, Assembly, and Self-Defense
Charlottesville Circuit Court Judge Richard Moore THE US CONSTITUTION still has a purpose. While it no longer serves as the basis of our legal system, it does give lawyers plenty of mental exercise finding ways to subvert its clear intent. Free speech? Not if private monopolies censor you. Freedom…

Charlottesville: Expect More Punishment of the Innocent
by David Sims THE POLITICAL left, including Antifa, heavily influenced by Jews and in collusion with corrupt judges and political leaders in the state of Virginia, have already imprisoned four White men who were wrongly convicted after they came to the defense of a middle-aged White man, Harold Crews.…

What Is Driving the Decline of Northrop Grumman?
Major aerospace contractor, once an exemplar of European-American competence and innovation, now mired in easily avoidable yet disastrous mistakes. by David Sims I WOULD STILL like to see a flotilla of satellites like TESS (the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, a space telescope designed…

Charlottesville: Setting the Guilty Free, Imprisoning the Innocent
by David Sims IN THE STUPIDEST outcome of a trial that I’ve heard of lately, Deandre Harris (a Black male) was acquitted of assaulting Harold Crews (a White patriot), by hitting Crews on the face with a flashlight. There are videos showing what happened, and a guilty verdict should have been a cinch.…

Charlottesville: More Persecution of the Innocent
by David Sims THE ARREST of Jacob Scott Goodwin is the kind of irony you find only in countries that have gone politically wrong in a big way. Mr. Goodwin didn’t instigate the violence that occurred. As the “Unite the Right” rally attendees were leaving Lee Park in Charlottesville…

This Fictitious Conflict
by Tanstaafl LEFT-POSING JEW Weiss writes, Charlottesville is moment of truth for empowered U.S. Zionists (who name their children after Israeli generals):
For a long time, liberalism and Zionism have gotten along fine in America — just look at the Democratic Party and its love for Israel.…