Posts Tagged
Charles Darwin

Darwin on the Rise and Fall of Human Races, Part 2 of 2
by Guillaume Durocher On the Human Races ACCORDING TO DARWIN, human races have emerged as a natural consequence of their spreading across the globe, leading to their separate evolution in relative reproductive isolation. As a result of their prolonged separation in different environmental and…

Darwin on the Rise and Fall of Human Races, Part 1 of 2
by Guillaume Durocher Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex (London: Penguin, 2004 [reprint of second edition, London: John Murray, 1879]). WESTERN INTELLECTUAL LIFE today is characterized by a marked schizophrenia. On the one hand, virtually everyone accepts the…

Science and the Suicide-Cult: The Irrationalism of Richard Dawkins
by Tobias Langdon THE BASIS OF SCIENCE is the same as the basis of life: pattern-recognition. Even plants recognize patterns in the weather and the attacks of insects. The difference between scientists and trees, or scientists and sharks, is that scientists use reason and method, not instinct and…

To Honor Darwin
by Revilo P. Oliver THE THEORY of biological evolution requires no proof. It is the only reasonable and logically plausible explanation of the origin and development of life on this planet that has been thus far proposed. For rational men, there is no alternative. During the past decade, however,…

Darwin in America
The history of evolutionary thought in the U.S. contains some surprises by Robert Throckmorton CYNTHIA EAGLE RUSSETT, a lecturer in American History at Yale, has written a book Darwin in America; the Intellectual Response, 1865-1912 (Freeman 1976), which demonstrates that far from making a solid,…

Why Don’t More Respectable, Successful, Influential White Community Leaders Help Our Noble Cause, Dr. Pierce?
by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured) Q. THE TRUTH of what you say in ATTACK! seems self-evident. I understand that the brainwashed public needs to be exposed to your persuasion as an antidote to the lies pumped into them by the media. But I don’t understand why there are not a great many leaders of this country…

Charles Galton Darwin, Eugenics Advocate
by Kevin Alfred Strom I WAS INTRIGUED and then pleased and then astounded as I listened to National Public Radio yesterday morning. As soon as I switched on my Boston Acoustics radio, I heard the resonant, engaging, elegant, and intelligent words of Charles Galton Darwin — Charles Darwin’s grandson…

The way forward is for us to become more White, not less so. by H. Millard YOU’RE IN eternal gene wars and you may not even realize it. These gene wars are waged automatically and silently and they never end. And, they never can nor should end. They are necessary. They are the wars between different…

Francis Galton: The First Eugenicist
They have made a pariah out of the man who may have had the highest IQ of all time. WHAT little Homo americanus knows of the social and behavioral sciences is based largely upon the works of Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud, the two learned Elders whose massive tomes, largely unread, are carefully and religiously…

Marx, Darwin and the Scientific Ideology
Scientific investigation of the nature of life supports racialism, demolishes Marxism and equalitarianism by John Thornton Bannerman WHEN IN 1867 Karl Marx had completed the first volume of his major work, Das Kapital, he offered to dedicate it to the great biologist Charles Darwin. Darwin cautiously…