Posts Tagged
Central America

What’s the Israeli Connection to Honduras, Where the “Caravans” Are Coming From?
JUST AS IT SERVICED murderous regimes in Central America in the 1980s, Israel will now be exporting forms of repression to Honduras, possibly driving dissatisfaction among citizens and making recruitment for such projects as the “caravans” easier. The post-coup Honduran regime is…

Immigration: Not About Race?
Don’t believe those who have usurped conservatism and the Tea Party movement when they tell you “it’s not about race.”
by Kevin Alfred Strom WHILE I WAS in a restaurant the other day with a few friends and their children, I saw another group enter the establishment and take…
by Kevin Alfred Strom WHILE I WAS in a restaurant the other day with a few friends and their children, I saw another group enter the establishment and take…

Look Who’s Building a Wall Now
Mexico’s hypocrisy knows no boundaries — unless it’s on its border with Guatemala.
by Joe Guzzardi
LAST WEEK, Raul Diaz, Mexico’s superintendent of tax administration, confirmed that Mexico will build a wall along the Mexican-Guatemalan border. Diaz’s announcement exposed to the…

The Plan of San Diego
According to this plan, which is now officially being revived and openly promoted — even on T-shirts — by “Reconquista” invaders with corporate backing, all White males over 16 years old are to be killed.
by Don M. Coerver
from the University of Texas Handbook of Texas Online…
from the University of Texas Handbook of Texas Online…

Young White Women: “Safe” in Guatemala?
by Kevin Alfred Strom
THE INNOCENCE of White people, particularly White women, sometimes astounds me. They are such easy prey for Frankfurt School-style concocted moral systems. Their natural agreeability and trusting nature, their social helpfulness — in short, their sweet and good hearts…