Posts Tagged

Center for Disease Control


THE SYRIAN refugee crisis has precipitated a “catastrophic outbreak” of a flesh-eating disease that is spreading across the Middle East and North Africa, according to research published on Thursday in the scientific journal PLOS. Largely missing from news media coverage is that the same news-making…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

by Dr. William L. Pierce THE ORGANIZATION which I head, the National Alliance, has for the past five years or so been publishing warnings about the dangers of contracting AIDS through sexual contact with non-Whites. We have warned, for example, that heterosexual Black males are 14 times as likely…
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Montgomery — like all of the top ten cites for STDs — is heavily Black; and Blacks are infected at rates higher than any other group — and far, far higher than Whites. MONTGOMERY, Ala., has more cases of syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia than large U.S. cities like Baltimore, Philadelphia…
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